I find that if you pin point a student who is having difficulty focusing, if you talk to him or her one on one and explain why that was importent to them and there career maybe throw a couple of real life examples out there they will start to be more attentive in class.
I find that if you have unfocused students, it can help to liven up the material any way you can. I usually throw in a few humerous personal stories related to the information being disseminated. Another good way is to break up the lecture time into smaller increments. Maybe complete one objective, then take some time to play some sort of game or do a quiz show with cheap little prizes can help keep the students engaged. They know that at the end, there will be a chance to win a snack sized snickers or a new eraser or whatever cheap thing I can get at the dollar store. It doesn't matter to them that it's not an expensive item, it matters that they are being rewarded.