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Dealing with unfocused students?

I generally pull my unfocused students aside
and talk to them. I question them very carefully
on how do they feel the class is going?
What do they feel I could do to make the class
more interesting? I do this to make the students
comfortable in giving honest answers. After talking to them, I then let them know what my
observations and expectations are for each student,especially,class participation. This is fair warning they will be called upon in class at
any given time and they will need to stay focused
in order to respond.

I relay on asking the student simple questions to boost their confidence. This I find improves their focus because they have contributed at some level.

Hi Leslie,

Anytime a student knows the right answer it is definitely a confidence booster. Noone likes being wrong. We must strive to get all students to be involved.

Adult learners have a life, their children, job insecurity, social life etc. I will give them the benefit of the doubt, have a good and honest conversation and end with a realistic encouragement and maybe a mini plan to execute.

I have not had much success with pulling students aside. What I have done is pop quizzes and review. Going around to each student and quizzing them on what we talked about. This puts a student on the spot, but they do have an option to pass.

With my classes, I try not to put anyone on the spot because you never know what that student is going through that day. This is especially true if the student is not normally unfocused. Also, it depends upon exactly how the student is demonstrating their lack of focus. Most of the time I believe it is unwise to have assignments that are designed to put someone on the spot. Coming up with a positive method of engaging the student is more appropriate.

Hi Lou,
I agree! Dealing with unfocused students should be handled very tactfully, however, there are some students that are known to be unfocused a lot, and these students need to be handled. I normally try to find out what is causing the lack of focus, and I move forward from that point.

I do the same thing initially. First time I notice a student not paying attention, I will call on him or her and ask if there is any question. That usually put them in attention. If it is the same student, then I will ask that she / he stays at the end of the class and ask if there is anything happening that hinders them from participating.

I lkie to ask shy or quiet students simple questions to bring them out of there shell!

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