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Dealing with difficult students.

I am relieved to know that it is not in one area that students show a lack of attention and disrespect in the classroom. The term mature learning has not been discussed to the degree that all students understand and practice the meaning.

In order to get mature learning, you must first institute a mature learning environment. The first day of class is when you set the stage that this class will be one that students are treated as adults but adult behavior is expected in return. You make them responsible for their success. If you give them a tool like engrade, they should have the responsibility to follow and check on the progress of their grades. Rues that are set in the beginning of clas are followed and everyone is held to the same standard.

Hi Margie,
Students can be difficult in any area. As the instructor, difficult students need to handled and dealt with very quickly and swiftly. No one has time for foolishness.

Hi Ted,
It sounds like you are firm, and you have the student's interest at heart. I like your outlook, firm yet fair!

I think you are correct that it is key to set the stage on the first day of class. For the classes that I teach this is absolutley neccessary as I often have older adult learners in a classroom with students fresh out of high school. The age dynamic provides a wide range of expectations and responsibility, by setting the stage early it helps to get everyone on the same page.

As time consuming as it may be, DOCUMENTATION! If you are having trouble with a difficult student, document each and every incident.

I agree with the need for a mature learning environment. Many of the sutdents I work with have recently graduated from High School and are still transitioning to the adult world. It is a bit of a surprise/shock to them that they are now held accountable for their actions and work. The transition time can be challenging!

Hi Deborah,
Your hands are certainly full. Generation Y is certainly a lot to handle, but I am sure you are whipping them in shape. They must be held accountable for their action.

Like you, I'm dismayed by the general lack of discipline exhibited by some of my students. Learning is a two-way street. I made a strong effort to engage the class by being flexible about some of the shceduling, but now on my evaluations, they are constuing this as being unorganized. AAArgh!

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