tired moms/night students
I currently have two students in my class that have two small children at home. I teach evenings and until they get to me they are so tired that I don't know how to motivate them. One is doing well the other keeps missing class, no sitter. How much can I do?
Hi Lori,
These students are not going to be exempt in the workplace because they have small children. They had small children before they started school, and they should fully understand that sacrifices have to be made. You need to talk to the student with the attendance problem about having a backup sitter and a backup to the backup sitter.
I fully agree about attendence and future employment. That being said how do I get them engaged when they look like they can bearly keep their heads up?
Hi Lori,
Have a firm conversation with the student about being attentive, have the student go out and put some water on their face, have the student go out and drink a cup of coffee or Mt. Dew. I even had to put a student out of class one day because of not being able to stay awake; it was my last resort, but it worked, and the student was alert every day afterwards.
While it might seem counter-productive, you might have them at the start of class do some sort of small physical activity--maybe some stretching, or a game where they have to move to answer content questions. Studies show that a short period of exercise before a class or a test can help reinvigorate students and improve focus, as well as decrease stress. It could also be a fun attention-getter to do just on nights where you can see before class starts that the energy is low.
Hi Matthew,
Studies have proven that this practice is very effective to reenergize tired folks. Taking two or three mintues at the beginning of class is well worth it in the long run.
I think it is a great idea to take a few minutes and get them up and moving. I also like to have my students participate in the lecture. I will have them take a small part of the next chapter/lesson and have them prepare it for lecture. After they finish presenting we will discuss it and make sure all the key parts have been fully explained. This makes them a part of the class and keeps them engaged.
Hi Jessica,
Students love and ejoy feeling like they are a part of the course. This is a good way to keep students focused.
Thanks, Love this idea.
Hi Lori,
I do a lot of hands-on learning and highly interactive learning to keep students alert/awake at night. I also use a variety of teaching methods. Pure lecture will put tired students to sleep easily.
I completely understand these students because I used to be one of them while I was in school many years ago. I tell them, often, that I know what they are going through and have been there myself. After presenting the syllabus, I go over different styles of learning and time management skills. I have them right down what they do everyday and document the time it takes to do it for a week. This will prove they have the time, they just need to manage it wisely. I also, tell each class that it is good to invest in something during your life; investing in yourself is the best investment they could make.
Hi Cyndi,
What a motivating speil you give to your students. You can certainly emphathize and sympathize with tired moms/night students. You have walked in their shoes, and they can see how successful you are. You are an inspiration to these students, I am sure.
I start by asking every single student how was their day so far in all my classes. I encourage them to discuss in ten minutes or less how their outside life is going, then I begin class. It appears that when I use this opening each student gets an understanding that their lives are not much different than others. They all have issues and/or situations outside of class that may or may not help them to continue on. This is for both day and night students and it sets the tone for class.
Brenda S. Jimenez
Hi Brenda,
This approach probably allow students to bond with each other as well. Students get to see that their problems are not just unique to them.
I do the same thing Cyndi. That is great!! Time management is the only way they will be able to get things going and it will pay off in the long run.