The courses I teach are part of a quick-paced program and are fairly intense. I just have enough time each day to get all the material presented. I continually ask questions as we move thru the material and, of course, there are always a few students with all the correct answers. I'd like to get more students involved in answering but I don't always have the time to dwell on one question. What advice do you have to get more students to participate during the presentation and question-and-answer periods? I do use a method of repetition where I will ask a similiar question later in the presentation, perhaps phrased differently, to see if the other students have understood the concept. Any other ideas in this fast-paced environment?
Hi Terry,
I like how you go back to the student who could not answer to ensure they understand/know the correct.
Patricia Scales
That's a great idea. I do the same thing...it does keep the student's attention. I also use differnet tonal volumes to gain their attention.
If a student doesn't have the answer, I will ask others, just as you have suggested. Then later in the presentation I will go back to the original student and rephrase the question slightly differently and ask again.
I try and walk around the room as much as possible to keep the students' attention. I usually ask specific students whom I feel are not paying attention specific questions on the content I just presented. If they are having problems answering the question I then ask their classmates to help out. The following day I would put them in groups to work together to answer questions.