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Student anger

I have found that when you ask a student about there anger, most times it has nothing to do with you or your institution.

Hi Nathan,
You're right. Our students have a lot of personal issues that they bring to school with them. I tell my students to seperate personal from school.

i try my hardes to not have any angry students in my classif posibble

Hi Francisco,
Continue to work hard at keeping your students satisfied. It is a bad environment whenever angry students are present.

Again, because my students get me at the end of their program, they are often burned-out and/or frustrated by their lack of success. I teach psychology at a culinary school, and I constantly have to explain how it is relevant to the industry that they are going into. I find that a lot of the anger that is expressed by students about the class or the material can be alleviated it I show examples that pertain to the culinary field. There are always a few students who just have aggressive personalities that I may use humour or classroom activities to help reduce their frustration.

I feel that if you can get them to talk about it and show that you are concerned, eventhough you can do nothing about what makes them angry, just someone to listen to them helps dissapate that energy or redirect it for good.

Thankfully, in 16 years of teaching, I've only dealt with an angry student once, and that was in my first year. Turns out he had a drug problem and was removed from the school quickly.

I appreciate reading many of the ideas here. One of the things that helped me understand my angry student was a fellow student, who through his experience understood the source.

Hi Joseph,
Thankfully, in my 20 years of teaching, I've only had to deal with angry students about four times, but it is due to being the DOE.

i found out if you let them vent to you it usually works out for the best

i think if you let them talk it out it is best for both of you

Hi Daniel,
Sometimes all it takes is for a student to vent or get something off of their chest, and it makes them feel so much better.

Hello Daniel,
Absolutely! Sometimes that is all it takes.

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