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Mainly because each student is important and is capabale of succeeding. I can not forecast which student will suceed in life and which one will fail with acuuracy or consistancy. I can not afford to cheat any student by neglecting my obligtion to my best to him or her.

To develop high trust relationships that will ultimately result in their success within the class and program.

Hi Katie,
When students develop a sense of trust for you, they will work hard to please you.

Patricia Scales

To interact with all the students lets them know you are there to help them become successful in their chosen career. in the sense that they now realize that they are getting the training and help that they need from an instructor. and the student is not just a body filling up a class room. they will become more engaged with they class when they feel that you are there to assist in all aspects of the course

Interaction with every student allows them to feel as if you are interested in them, their knowledge and success. I try to engage every student encouraging them to shine!

Working in artistic / creative fields of study demands frequent and productive interaction with students. I tell each of the students that unless they give me a reason to see them otherwise, I see them all as "colleagues," and while I am at a different point on my own arc of learning than they are, we are all going to learn from each other over the course of the term.

It is my hope that the approach communicates not only that there is a connection and interactive through-line from each of us to the field of study, but also that even in my position as instructor and creative professional, I too continue to work diligently to acquire more skill, knowledge and tools with which to address creative challenges.

It is important to have interaction with every student since it is important for the teacher to understand the needs and wants of each student. This allows for the class to be more personable to the student and motivate the student to want to study the subject. Furthermore, interaction with every student allows the teacher to properly assess and provide proper assistance to students who may be struggling with the class before it is too late.

It is very imparative that we interact with the students on a professional level. This give us the power to gauge their knowledge and to not leave any student behind. I always try to interact with all the students at a daily basis.

You studnets cannot see yo as someone who is above them. They need to respect the teacher-student relationship but you can also be a real person to them, with faults as well as strengths. When they see you as real they tend to listen to what you have to say more readily. You need to be willing to listen and share with them, to a degree.

Interacting with students is first off a sign of respect. I am expressing an interest in who they are and why they are in my class. The interaction with the student gives me a chance to get to know them and allows me to express briefly who I am as an instructor. I enjoy teaching a course that is structured, so the students know what to expect…while offering some flexibility in an effort to accommodate them. The students are my employers. Adult learners need to feel that they have some input in the course. When I interact with them it helps to bridge that gap of student -vs- instructor. I do not want them to see us as adversaries.

The best time for me to interact with students is when they are working on a lab project. This is when they seem to have the most questions and is the best time for me to interact with them on a one on one basis. This seems to help them understand that I am there to assist them with any difficulty they are having with the project.

It is important to have interaction with every student so as to facilitate each students' success in your class.

This helps to show that you value them, as they should be valued, and that you are there to be a service to them to become successful out in the workforce. They feel more comfortable relating to you and it is a win win situation as that will open lines of communication and help them clarify any misunderstandings.

Hi Stephen,
Interacting is the way to build relationships with students. Keep the relationships positive.

Patricia Scales

My students don't seem to want to interact with me.. I am new , I think they don't trust me yet..
any ideas on how to gain their trust?

As in one of the videos of this course, each student ultimately wants to be a part of the group. They want to know are they 'in' or 'out'. If you don't have interaction with each of them you are leaving some 'out'.

Interaction with students individually shows them that you care about them and their views on the topics and or issues being discussed in class. Interaction also gets the students involved in class which helps them learn and retain the material being taught.

Hi Amanda,
It is paramount to interact with students. Students like it when we talk to them and get to know them. Building relationships is important in education. Just make sure that the relationships are professional.

Patricia Scales

It is important to have interaction with every student to making learning conducive. You can’t single out students who are stronger and leave the weaker students behind. Picking favorites and ignore others is unprofessional behavior. I like to use small group a lot. I demonstrate or lecture followed by a question and answer session. After which, I break my classroom down in to small groups. I normally assign a leader of each group and I let them work together to complete the assigned tasks. I travel from group to group offering assistance and guidance. At this time I make note of the various types of behavior and address it. I make sure the quiet and bored students are actively engaged. If anyone needs more one on one attention I also do that at this time. This seems to work for lab classes. Interaction is key in education.

Every student needs to feel equally important and that they are receiving the same attention and education as every other student in the class. If you focus attention on a select few students then other students will feel you are favoring the ones that have your attention most often. Every student deserves the oppurtunity to have one on one interaction with their instructor.

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