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Hi Joel,
Keep up the great work! These are sure ways to build a strong rapport with your students. Students like to be paid attention to by the instructor.

Patricia Scales

Hi Jane,
I agree! Regardless of the class being online or in seat, I encourage my students to ask questions, and I let them know that no question is a dumb question.

Patricia Scales

Hi Laura,
I concur! As instructors we cannot be distant from our students. We have to approach them if they do not approach us.

Patricia Scales

It makes the student feel that they are as important as any other student.

Hi Barbara,
That's right! Students want to and need to feel important. Everyone likes knowing that they really matter. Let's continue to give our students attention.

Patricia Scales

Communication is critical when working with people. Before, after, and a lunch are times I have found to talk with students. Often it is casual or asking them how our class is going. It can serve as a nonthreatening conversation and perhaps some laughter. Then the next time I see the student I make a point to tell them I appreciated talking with them. This maybe not a "friend," but can be "friendly."

Interacting with students is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of teaching. I find that first step to excellent class room management is to respect the students first. Show the students that you respect them as an individual and as a class. This always leads to them respecting you as an instructor.

Interacting with students during the learning process is also important. Interacting and involving the students as part of the lecture reinforces the learning process and progress of the students. It builds a team environment among the class as well, allowing students to help each other through interacting during class time.

Assuming we are students in this training session, I have a question for you, following my overly verbose introduction to the question:
I have scanned many of the threads finding many of them to have been posted months ago. Is there a need for me to respond to these threads as I doubt if the students (who presumably have passed the training) will be returning to the forum?

It is important to interact with each student so they feel valued and a part of the classroom community. Daily interaction with each student can also be used as an informal assessment tool and guide the instructor's lesson. Students can also get into the mind frame that an instructor does not like them and that can affect not only their insecurities, but their grades. It is also important to continuously build upon those personal relationships so as the instructor you are aware of what a student may be dealing with outside of class and how it may be affecting their school work.

To establish rapport and to show that you will work to recognize them and care about them as a student.

Hi Debra,
Respect is a two-way street. You must give it in order to receive it.

Patricia Scales

Hi Melissa,
Students want to know that you genuinely care about them and their success.

Patricia Scales

It is important to have good interaction with each student so that you are aware that they understand the material they if they do have any problems they speak up and address you with their problems

Building a healthy connection with all students is essential to creating an inclusive learning environment. I like students to feel comfortable sharing any issues that may cause learning barriers with myself or their fellow students.

Hi Melissa,
When you interact with students they tend to approach you more with questions because they feel comfortable with you.

Patricia Scales

Getting to know each students is very important... Never giving any students better treatment or being more involved with some & not others, makes tension in class & I dont feel that is good teaching.

Hi Dennis,
You are definitely thinking correctly. Instructors should have a good rapport with their students so that their students feel very comfortable talking to them.

Patricia Scales

I think interaction with every student is a key to the learning experience.When a student is part of the conversation or group activity they
will learn because they are participating.This
also increases their comfort level in the class.

Hi Wayne,
Students get comfortable with the instructor and other students through interacting. When students are comfortable with you, they tend to open up a lot more.

Patricia Scales

When it comes to interacting with students I feel of course that it's part of my job but it also opens the door to better relate to them, find out which students will need a little more attention to get them through the class. It also helps to identify their different learning styles. Interacting gives a over all idea of how each student think or take in information.

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