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It might help cut down on cheating students. It also helps them feel involved in the learning process.

It is important to have interaction with every student because it helps them become engaged in the lesson being taught. This helps them understand all the necessary learning steps in order for them to succeed.

Each student wants to feel included. By interacting with each student, I am letting each student know that I am trying to help him/her be successful. Getting to know my students can help me break down any barriers and allow my students to know that I genuinely care about their success.

Hi Julius,
Every student matters, and we as educators should make it a point to interact with them all.

Patricia Scales

They need to know that you know that they are there.

Students have to feel that they are a part of the course and that you are there to help, instruct, and guide them. As an instructor, I need to get to know the students and they need to get to know me. This rapport will aid them to better learning and also it will help with the whole class management and the success of the course.

This is key to their professional social development and success and happiness in learning

So you are not playing favoritism to particular students.

Hi Cynthia,
That's right! Favoritism is frowned upon! We should treat all students the same.

Patricia Scales

Interacting with our students is one of the most important things we do in the classroom. By interacting with each student, we are letting them know that they are an important part of our day, and our class. I find that greeting every student as they enter the classroom serves as a reminder to the student that they are now in their learning atmosphere, they have an instructor that cares enough to say "good morning," and ultimately, cares about their success. It makes us their educator seem more approachable to them, and opens the lines of communication between all members of the classroom.

Every student is different. You need to "feel them out" and find what teaching style works best with that individual student. Once you have identified all students needs you can adjust as an instructor to there learning styles.

You need to interact with each student to encourage their participation. To help with this I present each student with a name tent card so that everyone can address each other by name. At the same time I learn everyone's name by the end of the second class session. I also have each student complete an oral resume' that has a group of questions that make good good conversation starters. As class filters in I choose different students to start a small conversation with and encource others to participate.

Hi Stephen Dable,
Great tactic! I can tell you try to develop a relationship with all of your students. Students will open up more to you if they feel they have a rapport with you.

Patricia Scales

Each student brings their energy, history and thoughts with them. By including each student, you can promote their self-esteem, improve their engagement in the course, and possibly increase their value among peers.

Hi Donna,
Students must feel a level of belonging. When the student is involved, the student feels a sense of belonging.

Patricia Scales

I watched a video on Chuck Close, and in it he says "everyone needs to feel important". I believe this is true, especially in a learning environment. One of the videos in this module talks about everyone needing to feel like they are in the club. When people feel included, they are more willing to participate and will likely have fun in the course. People are at their best when they are happy and having fun.

For me when I was a student, I felt that I learned best when I had a rapport with my instructors. Now, as an instructor, I go out of my way to connect with each of my students. Some its more natural and easy. Some its more difficult and its not as strong of a connection. Having that rapport, connection, trust with students helps to reduce the fear and anxiety that students have in class. Teaching basic sciences students are filled with fear when the enter the classroom. I have found it to be fairly successful in creating a better learning environment by building that rapport.

Hi Ryan,
Relationship building with students is vital. Students are more comfortable, and they open up more when they feel they have a rapport with the instructor.

Patricia Scales

shows that you care about them as an individual and gains respect and rapport in your classroom.

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