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To get to know each of your students & and make that personal connection with each one of them. This way they feel comfortable with their Instructor. It gives them more confidence and breaks any tension or fear they may have, or if they're having any touble in the class.

I think it's important to build a repore with student because it creates a relationship based on trust and respect. It makes for a better learnig expeience for student if they know you are on their side and they are not just a number. I think it also makes it easier for the instructor to observe students and see problems as they first develop if they know their students normal atiitudes and behaviors.

I think it helps each student feel like they are important. Plus it helps students open up which will be very beneficial in the work place.

In the college setting it is important to know each student and have a rapport with them. This is a great way to have students respect the instructor and value the class. If an instructor takes the time to care about every student then the students with have that same empathy towards the instructor.

Interacting with students in the class room helps the student to have a better understanding of what is being taught at the time. I enjoy the interaction with the students because it allows me to know where they stand and their thoughts about the subject at hand.

Hi Danielle,
I agree! We need to make a great effort to get to know our students. Every student is different and must be dealt with accordingly.

Patricia Scales

Hi Mark,
I agree! When you know your students, you quickly realize when they are not acting like themselves, and you can offer help .

Patricia Scales

Hi Rebecca,
Students like knowing that you geniunely care about them.

Patricia Scales

Interacting with every student in the class is important because it helps to make all students feel important, thus builds self exteem. As the students grow more confident, they feel mosre secure and the class discussions will develope to a deeper level.

In order that each indivual feels as though they are included in the learning process, has value, and is able to make worthy contributions to the discussions.

It is important to interact with all the students so that they get a feeling of involvement and ownership in the class. Also, random interaction keeps the students more attentive because they never know when they will be called upon. This can generate friendly competition within the class which leads to better learning.

There are any number of reasons that I believe instructor interaction is important for student success.

Some students feel insecure about their ability to learn the material and to be successful in their course work. A bit of reassurance, and positive feedback goes a long way. They need to know that that the instructor is a capable, competent professional that cares about their success.

Others, those students who do not engage the material, whose work is substandard and often late, need feedback that they will be held to real standards. Its the instructor's job to provide that feedback and to get them engaged.

The list goes on. One underlying notion here is that students should know that their instructor is an engaged, dedicated and committed to their education. By making it a point to interact with each student in the class, the instructor can make that point clear.

It is important to make the students feel included in the group. This will facilitate the learning process.

Hi Michael,
Great response! Students need to know that we geniunely care about their sense, and this comes with proof in our actions toward our students.

Patricia Scales

Hello Patricia,

Thanks for your comment. I should say that it's not always a straightforward and easy process. Sometimes students try our patience, no doubt. I just try to be consistent in offering them help, and insisting on performance. Overall, it seems to work.

Best wishes,
Michael Luzius

Hello Katherine,

Yes, I agree, once in a while, I will have a student who seems to be lost. A friendly email or note can help make a connection and open the way to bring them back.

We are individuals and by making each student feel that individuality, in a positive way, the student is more respectful, attentive, and eager to learn.

We should know our students' names, understand their basic background and what brought them to our camus and instill trust and understanding.

It is important to interact with student because it allows the student to participate in discussion and interject their feelings and knowledge, which may result in improved learning outcomes. One method to increase interaction is to have each student create a name tag that is placed in front of them and displayed throughout each class. Let them know that it is a way to improve communication and become more familiar with the student. Also, keeps the student engaged as there is a possibility they may be called on.

Having interaction with every student is important for them to feel included, and accepted by the class. I keeps them focused and engaged so they participate and then it becomes a win / win for student and instructor.


Hi Paul,
Students love and need to feel apart! Every student matters, and we should make them feel as such.

Patricia Scales

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