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Common Reasons why students cheat

Lack of studying and confidence in one abilities leads to cheating

Hi Shanika,
Students need to realize all they have to do is study so that confidence is built, and they won't have to cheat.

I was sent an e-mail from one of my students who informed me that a particular student was cheating on tests.

The next day of class I spoke to the entire class, reenforcing that cheating is cheating them as well as the instructor, classmates and potential patients that hold such a high regard for individuals in the medical field. I also gave open permission for anyone in the class to send an anonymous e-mail to me to report anyone else cheating.

To date, no more e-mails and no observed cheating in class. I actually observe more concentration.

Hi Darlisa,
Perhaps, this open conversation will deter the cheater. Make sure to keep a watchful eye on this student as well as other students. It seems as though you are observant as to what is going on in your classroom.

I agree lack of student preparation is main reason students cheat...

Yes, lack of studying may be the main reason for cheating and I think that laziness may be a big factor also. The same students are the ones trying to manipulate you and your class.

Hey James,
I concur! There are some students who simply wants everything, but they do not want to work for anything.

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