Angry Students
I find that angry students really just want someone to listen and hear what they have to say. When I notice a student is acting out, I like to pull them aside after class and give them a chance to discuss any issues they may be having. Most of the time, they can vent and feel a lot better.
I have found students who act out and are angry use anger as a defense mechanism because he/she are embarassed and feel like he/she doesn't measure up. I talk to my student(s) and let them know that I'm available for one-on-one time. A lot times that alleviates the "anger" from simple acts of kindness and encouragement.
i very much agree. It seems when a person is a student so many other factors of their lives chime in and usually in a negative way. either work is keeping them from school work, or family or what ever could go wrong usually does and unless they have someone nuetral and non bias to their situation to vent to (ie: instructor)it just builds up and the more angry they get. I find that sincere listening really helps some of my students be able to consentrate on their school work because they were able to get the poblems off their chest
It has been my experience that the student is either angry about something that has nothing to do with school, ie problems at home, money, etc. Or that the student did not prepare the work they should have and are angry at themselves. If you talk with them privately, you generally find out what it is and how to help them.
I have to say I agree. I have found most of the time after taking the time to talk to a student that they were angry about a personal issue that carried over to class with them. In most cases after being able to talk about the problem the issues are resolved.