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Preparing for class in advance, become familiar with powerpoints, organized the content so material flow.

First class introduce yourself, background and experience and have students to do the same.

Hi Francis,
Nicely stated! As an instructor you have to be flexible and very quick on your feet. Things do not always go as planned, and you have to learn how to make adjustments quickly and go with the flow. Never let the students see you sweat...they do not know what your next move is. Only you know your next move.

Hi Patricia,
Preparation is key! Things go a lot smoother when you are prepared. Also nervousness is eased when you are prepared. Confidence is gained with preparation.

Patricia Scales

Hi LeWando,
Introduction of everyone is a good way to bond at put everyone at ease. Introductions have formed great relationships.

Patricia Scales

Hi Francis,
I love your perspective. You have great flexibility abilities. I can tell you do not miss a beat because you really know how to roll with the punches. I love instructors like you having the ability to deal with whatever is issued to you.

Patricia Scales

I think like many of the suggestions in this forum that spending the time to evaluate the information being presented is the key. In some cases being over prepared is necessary, being nervous often makes an instructor move the class along at a faster pace.

I like to prepare the night before class and review first thing in the morning. I am learning that I will have to be flexible with my classroom schedule since I can not predict what questions will arise and how long they will take to address. I also like to remind myself that these students have not been through my class so are not going to know that I presented information differently than I originally presented.

Be prepared.

Hi Tina,
Preparation is a must. Things go a lot better when you are pepared. It is unfair to the students when the instructor is unprepared.

Patricia Scales

Hi Crystal,
Teaching is never done the same way twice due to having different students each time. Come up with a plan and follow the plan as much as possible. As an instructor flexibility is paramount.

Patricia Scales

I agree. The Instructor must be prepared. when unprepared the instructor loses a level of respect with the students.

Every day I teach I get up a five o'clock in the morning and review my notes and try to center my thinking on the class I am about to teach. I fine this class prep time relaxes me and keeps me calm. Teaching has a strong performance aspect to it and I do my best when I rehearse.

Hi Tina,
You have it! Preparation is key! It is so unfair to the students when the instructor is unprepared.

Patricia Scales

Hi Michael,
I admire you! What a great practice to have to prepare. I can tell you want to do your very best and give your students all that you have. Keep striving to be the very best that you can.

Patricia Scales

Review and practice before teaching. Know the content and what your objectives are.

Preparing for the class and rehearsing are always a good ways of reducing anxiety. Yet, every instructor should learn how to channel that energy to be used in the lesson that is going to be though that day. My student and co-workers always ask me why I have so much energy and the answer is that I do feel anxious to start to teach. I redirect my energy and focus it on my lectures to make them informative and upbeat at the same time to catch and keep the students' attention.

Being prepared and knowledgeable about your field helps to overcome pre-class nerves and anxiety. If an instructor is prepared and knowledgeable, students will perceive the instructor to be credible and pay attention to the lesson.

Hi, Jonathon.
I agree. Honesty is always the best answer. I am a new instructor, and there have been times that I didn't know the answer. One strategy that I use is to put it back on the students and ask them to research and report back at the next class. You can bet that I am prepared for that discussion as well. :)

I think the best way to reduce instructor anxiety is to be prepared for class. If you are prepared, you are more confident and that's crucial. :)

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