This course gave me some better ways to handle late assignments making the expectations very clear
Hi Kathleen,
We as instructors have to be careful to not promote not meeting deadlines. Deadlines are crucial in the workplace, and we need to get our students into the habit of turning their work in on time.
Patricia Scales
I agree !
And it is as important to have graded homework, tests, and other things that the students expect to have back, returnerd to them on the date promised.
Nothing will irritate a Student more than hearing that the work that they worked so hard on was not graded and ready for review because the Instructor couldn't organize him/her self well enough.
If we expect them to turn in work on time, it is imparitive that we do the same in return
Hi David,
You are definitely on point. Students do not want to hear our excuses as to why assignments are not graded. Students deserve to have their graded work returned to them at the next class meeting.
Patricia Scales
I agree. We are preparing students for the work place and to the extent that we manage the classroom in the professional manner only adds to the learning experience.
Mike Conway
Hi Michael,
Great classroom management is a must!
Patricia Scales