For new instructors
The first day of being an instructor for adults is by far the most nerve racking experience I have ever encountered. Throughout the years I did learn from the mistakes I have made , now eight years as an instructor still learning but having fun. It does get easier as time goes on.
Hi Robert,
Teaching is a work in progress every day! Every day you should aspire to become even more effective. I have been teaching for 25+ years, and I am still learning!!!
Patricia Scales
I don't believe I will be nervous about giving the lecture the first day, I have trained large groups of employees before. My concern is if I have a disruptive student the first day. Coming from business management I would simply right up the employee and provide a corrective action. If this didn't work, the employee would be terminated. But you can't terminate a student, can you? Going over the syllabus, talking about the class rules, goals, and objectives is a great start but I am afraid I may overreact the first day to a disruptive student.
Hi Paul,
Do as you would with the employee! Having backing from your DOE to remove the disruptive student if inappropriate behavior continues.
Patricia Scales
Early in the classroom setting, we must establish our guidelines for acceptable behavior. On the first day of class, I go over the syllabus and my expectations. Our students sign an agreement which outlines appropriate behavior and dress.
When an instructor is taking over a class that is currently in progress, is it recommended to still do a small introduction? Obviously, there will be no need to review the syllabus and course material as students are currently in the middle of it, but what about grading techniques, my expectations of the students, etc.?
Hi Benjamin,
Try to follow what has been put in place, if at all possible. You may would need to get with the DOE to come up with a solid game plan.
Patricia Scales
Ok, thank you very much for the helpful information.
Yes, I have made the mistake of telling students that I had never taught a class before. This caused tremendous problems for me throughout that term. Since then, I lead with my years of experience, which enables me to maintain proper class management instead of students constantly questioning my competence.
Hi Samara,
Students do not need to know if you have never taught a class before. Most students only know of this information if you share it with them. Walk into the classroom knowledgeable, professional, and confident, and your students will respect you and look to you as one who knows the subject matter.
Patricia Scales
The first day as a new instructor leads to many questions of your own. You are unaware what to expect, how to receive the new students. Especially in an adult education center. You have to begin to focus immediately on each student and focus on find out what each student will need. Deliver your lecture but keep a close eye on every student. You want to establish yourself as an individual who is an "expert" on the matter. I made the mistake of telling my students it was my first time teaching and it had been a few years. I recovered quickly by showing them I had done my homework and delivered a strong lecture from day one. Being a new instructor is nerve racking but if you focus on establishing yourself and deliver the lectures with confidence, you will do just fine.
Hi Gregory,
Nicely stated! Teaching is just like everything else; the more you do it, the better you become! Confidence and preparation are key.
Patricia Scales
I get nervous before every class even though I no that I am capable. Thanks for the encouraging words