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discipline regarding adult student

Good management of a classroon contributes to a well interested group of students., which feel their learning enviorment is a good fit to be able to gain the knowledge of the subject without unneeded distractions. Using the "I" word helps to diffuse any type of resentment the student may have when addressed. It is important as an educator to show your respect for the student.

Sonia, respect is earned and cannot be demanded. I have seen instructors that feel that their title alone should afford them respect. Titles do not guarantee anything and while someone may act a certain way around those with a specific title, behind the scenes where it counts respect must be earned to be truly effective.

James Jackson

Well put! Titles and letters behind a person's name do not equate to respect. While one may feel entitled because of the work, time and perseverance involved in obtaining an advanced degree, respect must be earned. Earning the students' respect can be accomplished by being a role model, portraying respect for others and displaying integrity in all interactions with students, peers and management.

One thing you should avoid is having your class develop a drop in center attitude.This happens when you get a lot of latecomers. In the past I used to have this. Its impossible to do a good job when everyone is arriving at different times. Sometimes your students will come up to you with all kinds of excuses why they can't come. Tardy is Tardy.

Paul, true statement and also an important reason why it is critical to ensure students know the rules the first day of class. If you have a zero tolerance late policy you should ensure students understand this policy on the first day of class. This requires more than a handout, it needs to be discussed.

James Jackson

I'm a clinical dental instructor and all of my students have patients in their chairs as I instruct them. In this situation, the student is easily humiliated if the wrong approach is taken to correct them. The patient's perception also has to be considered. I always pull the student aside and speak to them out of the patients view. If corrections need to be made at the chair side, then care has to be taken...crying student=anxious patient.

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