Multiple, Simultaneous Problems
Has anyone ever experienced a classroom that was filled with multiple disruptions within the same time period? This would probably be a nightmare scenario to deal with; however, I wonder if the lessons learned throughout this module could help diffuse the situation. As we were taught, we must be proactive with the discipline when it comes to one problem student, but what if you have several of them in the same class? At this point, should you stop the entire class and speak to them as a group or individually. Worst case scenario, you are forced to finish the class early because you simply can't handle the stress from being a "parent" instead of the "teacher."
I believe there are several strategies that might help, based on the lessons from this module. If the instructor chooses to tactfully correct the behavior of one student, using "I" language, others will see that the behavior is not acceptable and, hopefully, correct their behavior as well. The instructor could also change the activity or take a break, so that he/she can make a new start with clearer expectations and instructions.