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Managing the Class and Students

I used to ignore students who were loud and then when they realized they were not getting my attention they would stop.  I learned alot from this module. 

I like to set the expectations standard from the get go. Day 1 let them know what they can expect from myself and the class and what is expected of them as a professional. This has helped in my classes and opens up a rapport with the students.

I handled this stituation similarly on first encounters or if its infrequent. I was wondering how you have improved your process and what changes it has made in your classroom?

I would like the students to address the students as a whole group when they talk. Having on the side conversations is not part of a class etiquette. I feel that the whole class understands this convention.


I agree. we lose other students' attention if we engage  conversations with a small group. I often repeat the question to the whole class and envcourage all to discuss the problem with their experience or solution before. Sometimes I caught on late and the classroom became a small market. I turned off the light and try to regain control of the classroom.

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