Making More Time for You | Origin: ED110
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Time and Stress Management for Instructors --> Making More Time for You
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
In this module I've learned that I may need to have a set time for when I check my emails instead of checking them every five minutes.
How to streamline teaching and assessment.
I also need to improve my knowldge/application of online teaching modalities.
Online resources can help manage all material, documentaion and grading. It doesn't necessarily apply to where I work as a trade instructor, but I can apply these resources while building my own company some day.
Managing my time. Not having to constantly look at my emails and respond. Set a time that I will do that every day. It is a great idea.
Organization is the key to longterm success! If papers, materials are in their designated places, then they are not where they do not need to be. I apply this concept, and can vouch for it.
The first step to better organization is to define the space that you will be working in and the space where your class materials will be stored. By defining your space, you will know exactly where your belongings and materials are and where they are not. After you have defined your working space, you must make sure that it is clean and that it does not contain unnecessary items that are taking up space.
Check emails at a certain time during the day intead of throughout the entire day to minimize interruptions.
Checking emails and taking care of clerical tasks at fixed points in the day to maximize efficiency.
Not anwersing emails immediately frees up time and makes work more productive.
Having a specific time to check all emails will save a lot of time.
I spend a great deal of time checking emails. I like the idea of scheduling time to read and answer emails.
I need to set up times during the day to check emails instead of allowing emails to distract me or get me off task when they come in.
I need to work on setting up specific times to complete certain tasks.
I need to allow more for online question and answers and to stop checking e-mail every time it goes off
It was surprising to know that more than 70 % of the people respond to the email immediately, but good to know that designate time to do these things will safe time. Will continue to do that.
I need to have a balance of online and face to face assessments and projects.
Yes intermittent email checking is much better way to do it and stay on track and prioritize them also.
In this module I have learned that it is okay to half my instruction testing to half online half not!
Ways to organize to help manage time effectively.