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Techniques to help in th classroom

What is the best way to handle a student who seems disintrested in the lecture?

Find something that the student is interested in and incorporate it in our lecture.  For example if the student is interested in cars, but you are talking about the heart. you can use this,  Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back. By using this example it rouse his interest.


Reply to Felicia Burns's post:Hi Felicia,

That is a great idea! I am going to try that in my next lecture.. I get one or two students a module that just look and act so totally board and unintrested in whatever i am lectureing about.. That sounds like it will draw them back into the lesson.

Thanks for the great tip!! :)



I find participatory exercises can help, such as, making that student one of the helpers in a demonstration and using their name to make it personal.  Pulling them into focus resets their thinking patterns and "wakes them up".

Physical activities where the students are forced to move out of their comfort zone and interact with each other (where possible) seem to break the barrier between their preoccupation and the topic, as other students pull them into the content. 

Varying the method of delivery can also help, if every lecture follows the same schedule/format, then I think students can easily fall into set behaviour patterns.

Usually, I have no problem getting the students attention but classes today seem less interested. I have involved activities and group projects to get a better response.

I agree Chris. Active learning strategies take on many forms and it is important to try different techniques to see what works best for each class.  The most effective methods keep the students engaged, provide time for reflection, and encourage the student to make connections between theory and activities. I survey the students at the end of the semester to find out which active learning strategies were most effective.  The responses from the students helps me refine the activities for the next class. 

try to creat small projects that students can work on as small groups and put him/her in charge of his/her group


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