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Help with incorporating Healthy Coping strategies in a split-shift schedule

What are some easy to incorporate healthy coping mechanisms that can be added into a split shift schedule?  My schedule is 8 am-12 pm, 3 pm-5 pm, 6 pm-8 pm.  I usually end up working the full 12 hours if I do not stop myself for a food break.  I am used to working in an office with a perfectly defined schedule of get to work in the morning and get ready for patients, go to lunch and then go home after the last patient.  Now that I am a full-time instructor, I am having a hard time defining when to take breaks and scheduling in some stress reducing activities.  If I am not prepping for my class, grading and recording student work, documenting student activity, calling dropped students and inviting them back to finish their program, or tutoring students, I feel as if I will get behind.  Being behind on grades is very stress inducing. Any suggestions? 

That is a terrible schedule

Mine is similair  I have a 730 am class that I come in at 630 for that goes until 11  then I have another class from 6pm to 10 opm that I come in at 5 for  with 5 hours off in betweeen

All I do during the week is work and sleep

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