Working patiently is a skill that some need to develop. More likely that we all need to develop.
Philip Campbell
The most important soft skills in the workplace include customer service, integrity, dependability & being a good team player. These are enhanced by attention to details, resolving workplace conflicts & using common sense to do the right thing.
Communication is important and the one that people struggle with most often.
Philip Campbell
I feel there are more than one important soft skill. Communication, working well with others,respect and dependability are my top soft skills I preach to my students.
The ability to read people and communicate in the most effective way for that person to get the message clearly. As a teacher, we have to employ a variety of communication techniques, but it's important to have the ability to know your audience first. Who am I talking to? How can I explain this procedure so that this individual gets the full message? Reading students moods, likes/dislikes, and their dispositions - very important skill set.
That is a good point, everyone is different.
Philip Campbell
Soft skills such as a positive attitude and respect are very important in the work place. Sometimes it is easier to train or work with someone who has a positive attitude than a person who has a lot of talent and experience but has a bad attitude. Also, respect for co-workers is important. No matter what job or profession you are in, there must be cooperation and teamwork involved. Also, one must respect each others' beliefs and culture.
Respect is an important part of life.
Philip Campbell
I feel that customer service, integrity and dependability are very important soft skills for the work place. The reason that you have been hired is for customer service. For your results to be effective integrity and dependability are two necessary elements.
I agree with this. Without these skills, the workplace would become more difficult to work in and may fail to be productive.
I have to agree with Daisy. There are several important soft skills instructors should discuss with their students.
Victor ,
Productivity would be compromised, because everyone would be mad at each other.
Philip Campbell
The most important soft skills to me are listening and positive attitude. The other skills will fall in place if we take the time to listen to our students. The many issues facing the average adult learner is tremendous. I am currently working with many returning VETS and listening to the amount of issue they are dealing with helps them to know someone cares. The listening and hearing when compounded with a great attitude that is can do and, no mountain too high to climb helps get the student to the next level.
I feel that an open line of communication and being a good listener is important. being there for the student and listening to their issues and not judging and giving good positive feedback goes a long way.
As much as I embrace diversity. It's sometimes hard to avoid misunderstanding. However, being aware of, being empathitic, listening, respective and being positive will help to defray confussion.
This course really was one that I enjoyed. It has finally been said that you need a lot more soft skills then technical skills. After seeing the list of the top soft skills you realize that most of these skills people are born with them, some are taught to them and for some, they will never have them. To me, the most important ones would be common sense, a positive attitude and a sense of urgency. A sense of urgency goes hand and hand with customer service and I believe that can be taught. A positive attitude can also be developed, especially if you can bring out the passion out of that person, employee or student. The one I believe cannot be taught is common sense. You meet people, employees and students and just wonder, how do these people get home at night? You may be able to help increase their technical skills but their thought process is of their own accord. One of my favorite sayings is that of Benjamin Franklin. He once said "what is common about common sense is that it is not common at all" Hopeful our upcoming generation has more common sense than the one out there now.
I think that team work is paramount in the workforce!
It is hard to avoid at times. Your list will help to defray the confusion.
Philip Campbell
I believe there are more than one soft skill needed for the success in higher education. For example, drug free, conflict resolution (being able to teach and mentor students before going into the workplace) integrity and positive attitude. If the instructor lacks any of the soft skills the students will not emulate soft skills but rather inappropriate skills for the workplace
Effective workplace skill is very important. It enables you to obtain a rapport with co workers and students. Having all the knowledge does not help you become successful in the workplace environment.