Common sense.
. My biggest problem that I can't get over is when things suddenly change in the work place. Like syllabi’s. I know things change, but I put my head all in for the plan I was going to do, and communicated it the day or two days before and then things change the day of without communicating it to me. It is just like saying we are going to a certain restaurant and then on the way it suddenly changes to a different restaurant. I bugs me and then I go into the classroom changing it up to the students looking like it was all me that changed it. I hate that feeling.
I have become very versatale in this. In most cases I don't know what I'm teaching from course to course. I've found that it doesn't really matter I just adapt. when my superviser changes things I usually have enough time to get myself prepared for changes and if I don't I know that something made them change the program and I have to be versatal and make it work.
Being adaptable to situations is a great skill to have and most people wish they could be as versatile.
Philip Campbell
I sometimes think of common sense as an understanding that lives in the context of the moment. The is little to consider when thinking of it as "one size fits all." Consequently a person who engages in good use of it is usually, in my opinion, a highly metacognitive individual who thinks about what he is thing rather than focusing on all the external influences of the moment that tend to reshape his emotions.
I have this problem too, as things change a lot at my school for various reasons.
I find it rather easy to change and adapt on the fly, but not all of my students do!
Any tips for presenting change to my class without appearing unorganized as a teacher or program?
Talk to them about change and how all of them changed by just going to school? Was that part easy, probably not, but they all made a commitment to it. We don't always know all the changes that are coming, nor will we ever know. But, if we can start to adapt to it, life becomes a little easier.
Philip Campbell