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LinkedIn...and beyond

I have tried to get Gen Y students to understand the importance of Linkedln and the need to network with others. Many are so focused on social networking web sites (Facebook) that they don't take the time to learn more about this. Also, I sense that this generation is accustomed to interacting with others via computer, and they need to get out from the machine and interact personally!


this is so true. Technology is great, but nothing can replace the need & importance of face to face communication.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I can sure agree with that. What they've gained in interacting through technology they've lost in social interaction. Having a 15 year old I can tell you that. I try to emphasize that part of what we're doing in school is the give them a rounded education and the ability to handle multiple situations, but it's a tough road with Y'ers.

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