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Knowing the generation your teaching can really help you in selecting the style and aids used to teach.

The ability to use technology in the classroom became a game changer, and made a big difference in teaching over the generations.  Fortunately, modern schools see the need for technology, and are built to adapt to modern learning styles and technology.

Each generation being thought of as a different set of specific attributes to best foster learning, as well as definitions of success.

My siblings and I are very spread out and come from 3 different generations. It's interesting to read this and recognize characteristics from our family based on their generational model. 

Technology has become an essential tool for learning for Gen Y and Gen Z - avoiding it could create problems for students.

good info on how to be adaptive to multi-generations and their different learning needs 

Different generations have different approaches to learning. It is good to be aware of these differences.

Having the knowledge to know the different learning styles is very helpful.

Understanding the type of Generation falls into are helpful what the Students are strong on and can understand the Lecture.    Susan E. 

I think I am going to try to have the generation y and z help teach eachother...this way i know they are reading the material but also grasping it.

This module help me to envision different ways of inclusion. 

In this module I learned about the different generations and their learning style.  It is important to learn about your own generation and this can assist you to learn how to teach other generations.  I found the information on Generation "y" and"Z" the most interesting because they are the youngest students who are attending college at this time. 

I always was curious about individual learning styles and preferences, but it has never crossed my mind to consider generational styles and preferences. This somehow makes my job a lot more difficult as I try to be thoughtful to all generation on learning delivery methods. 

Each cohort has different preferences in their learning styles. Our lessons should be planned based on the students in the classrooms and we must consider how they learn.


very valuable information

Learing different methos to teach in the classroom 


The generational differences really have an impact on learning and cannot be overlooked. Knowing your class make-up and working to meet their learning needs is our responsibility as a facilitator of learning.


Across generational gaps, educators must learn to understand students needs and find methodology that enhance learning

I found this to be a particularly interesting module. I work at a very non-traditional institution, so we get a very diverse age-range in our student population. Knowing how each generation prefers to learn will be really helpful when I'm working on my content delivery and class work.

Students from different generations can help each other to be more successful learners: generations X, Y, and Z can help Boomers and Greatest Generation learners with technology, and Boomers and GG learners can help the younger ones with dense reading assignments and lecture notes.

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