I myself am a late-boomer/early-genxer. Something instilled in me early on was personal responsibility, I.E. the need to manage the burdens of school, bills, and social obligations. I will admit it took me a while. I notice in certain instances with GenY learners that they need constant reminding of deadlines. Perhaps there's a tech tool that I might incorpoarte where these students can take ownership of these issues?
I am the Externship Instructor at our school and my students have to turn in a timesheet each week to show that they worked in the industry. It can be a real challenge to get the students to turn those timesheets in so that they get credit for their attendance and their point in the class. I have started texting those students who have agreed to texting on their enrollment agreement and our percentage of turn ins has been much better. The texting is done via Google Voice so that I am not using my cell phone number to reach the students.
It was very interesting the learn of the different generation as a whole. I have used the technical in the class room (role play, internet and tactial learn as methods to relay learning.