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Workplace Simulations

Have you used electronic workplace simulations? How effective do you think they are in illustrating realistic situations?

I teach in an allied health school. We use simulators particularly in medical office administration courses and clinical skills courses like electronic health records, virtual office and simpro for virtual lab.Since we are teaching students to get an entry level position in the allied health field, and the inability to provide actual hands-on experience with patients and particular medical procedures, using such technology is very helpful in a sense that we can provide our students a road map or overview of what to expect in these types of procedures or working environment. It may not reflect a 100% the actual working environment and its details but at least exposing them to similar case is good start to reinforce the knwoldege and concepts we are teaching them in the didactic portion of their program.


Thank you for sharing what is being done at your institution as workplace simulations is necessary if you are offering a courses or degrees related to health sciences especially if the labs/clinical can’t be done virtually. With today’s technology students have a chance to attend the school they desire especially as it relates to positions in healthcare because the simulation helps one get ready for the workplace.

Antoine Lewis

I teach criminal justice students and workplace simulators are an invaluable tool. There are some topics in criminal justice, especially policing, that a student cannot completely understand until they have been in a particular situation or scenario. This is expecially true when we are talking about the life or death situations that you will inevitably face in a career in law enforcement.

Workplace simulators have been used in law enforcement and military training for decades and have proven themselves to be valuable tools.


Workplace simulations are key to learning today. In the case of criminal justice students need to learn what they should do from search, sentencing and anticipating dangers. Simulations that are interactive can be very benefical to the learning process.

Antoine Lewis

I have used workplace simulators in my classroom. My students love them. We use them for performing surgical procedures. I gives the students a different prosective and shows them what a surgeon goes through and therefore helps the stucents anticipate the surgeons needs, thus making them a better healthcare provider.


Form what I have read you are teaching, showing and allowing your student to apply themselves what the have learned which makes for a better learning experience.

Antoine Lewis

I have been exposed to a system that is a video computer program demonstration of the techniques utilized in our program. I would love to see it implemented.It helps the hands on students. The program can be added to each students computer.
They could use it in the lab or anywhere.


Have you looked to share this program with administration and show its benefits? It is good to know you have involving classroom technology to enhance your students learning experience.

Antoine Lewis

Yes, I have used workplace simulations in the classroom which is embedded in the program, created by the book publisher for the cours. I've have had so good, and some not so great illustrations with the MS software applications. By that I mean, while the simulation only shows one way to perform a task for a particular statement/process for the project. Anyone who's ever used MS Office knows that Microsoft gives you serveral ways to complete any task; whether it is menu driven, use of short cuts, etc. I personally don't think that it's not the greateast teaching tool when you must perform the task one way only, else it is marked incorrect.


No technology is perfect but it is good that you include simulations in the classroom. It can be a great way to learn soft skills.

Antoine Lewis

I do not work in the classroom. I am on the clinical track and deal with hands on clinical cases and education. I may need this information and talent in the future so the exposure is good. Future technology my bring clinic participation but it's not here in now. The closest technology for me now is digital radiographs. The future use of infrared and 3D radiographs is exciting. We all use the discussed technology outside of the clinic for a variety of projects. I am not yet in the classroom, yet I participated for education and facility requirements. Thanks kerry

I believe it is very important and very benificial for us as educators to have work shops and labs for hands on learning. I know that is was very helpful for me since I am not a book smart person.

kerry ,

It is good that people are in talks about using technology as it relates to clinicals and working in the classroom someday. Simulators and other tools are beneficial especially within the health profession. I hope the content from this benefits you in the near future.

Antoine Lewis


Hands on learning has become more popular as it is what many student prefer and a good to combine with lectures. I believe in telling the student, showing the student and allowing them to apply what they have learned with the help of technology.

Antoine Lewis

I can relate to Kerry's post. I too work in the clinic with students. We do not have a sim lab or video type lab to simulate the working environment that students might encounter in the future. They do get the digital radiograph experience a few times in the clinic and some charting in the computers is required. I hope that more sim lab or video presentations will be available to the students. I have recommended the students visit and shadow local facilities that offer the same services they are performing. Hopefully the shadowing will aid in inhanced learning.


That was a good recommendation as it relates to shadowing and if they are serious and have time to do so they will make an effort to shadow and/or seek reputable outside sources.

Antoine Lewis

Several of the automotive courses I teach have computer animated simulations of mechanical and electronic engine control faults that allow students to practice diagnostic strategies to discover faults on simulated vehicles. With instantaneous feedback, not only are they excellent learning aids, they save the campus thousands in repairs of live training aids. The exercises promote terrific discussions upon completion, which further aids learning. I can only imagine the cost and liability savings for the medical profession!


Automotive and health related course should have computer animated simulations. The fact that students can get real world experience with a quick turnaround time on feedback is important. We you think of simulations it started with video games and now it is an important part of academics and training employees.

Antoine Lewis

We couldn't exist without simulations. One of the best I've found in the IT field is, which now has added simulations for the students.

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