I currently use Power Point and video clips. I am also learning to use animation. There is also the availability of a Smart Board.
Most learners are visual. These types of technology appeal to their senses and making learning much more stimulation.
I currently use Power Point and video clips. I am also learning to use animation. There is also the availability of a Smart Board.
Most learners are visual. These types of technology appeal to their senses and making learning much more stimulation.
Katrena ,
I feel that when teaching onsite and online you mix up your teaching methods as needed to benefit both audiences when it comes to learning styles as you are doing with the various technologies you incorporate. Clickers are a great active learning approach- "Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I'll remember. Involve me, I'll understand"
Antoine Lewis
Describe the technology that you are currently using in your classroom. How does the use of it contribute to enhanced learning?
I teach face-to-face classes as well as online classes. In both formats, I use a variety of technologies to include: powerpoint, videos, turnitin, discussion threads, email, online gradebook, and much more. Technology is advancing and many schools require the delivery of instruction to be done through various modes of technologies. I like to use different methods of technology such as powerpoints and videos because I realize that students learn in multiple ways and my goal is to reach all the students no matter what their learning style is.
One type of technology that I recently started using is "turning technologies" where I integrate the use of clicker with questions and the students enjoy this method as they have fun while learning at the same time.
Katrena Taylor-Springs
The website for the courses is always great but adding the audio/visual aspect often helps students better understand what they are reading and studying in the text.
Antoine Lewis
I use the online website that goes along with my text for the book company that my school uses. I also incorporate youTube, movies, powerpoint, attendance program and engrade
Depending on the subject matter the projector is still reliable and a helpful teaching method. Many of us no longer use the chalkboard as the projector has more versatility.
Antoine Lewis
In the classroom, I typically rely on a projector to conduct a demonstration and walkthrough with the students. This really helps students see what the process is before doing it. I feel that there is better understanding through repetition, instead of just having students follow along with no goal insight.
Simulation programs after been proven technology that allow students so get some practice/experience and completing a task they would have once employed. When teaching today technology allows us to tell, show and involve the student.
Antoine Lewis
We have used a simulation program in our radiographer program for about 3 years now. This program is wonderful for the hands on aspect in procedures/cases because students must use critical thinking skills to complete each simulation. These are skills already taught in the classroom that are now being re-enforced. These simulations change frequently, which makes this tool useful for the entire program.
Adding drawings to the whiteboard is a nice touch, because of the different learning styles our students have incorporating video, lecture and textbook helps them stay in engaged and learn indeed. It is also our responsibility as faculty in my opinion to have at least 2-3 delivery methods allowing us to adapt to the classroom we have.
Antoine Lewis
I utilize Powerpoint presentations, but often raise the screen to project on the whiteboard and add drawings to further explain the material, or suggest mnemonics to assist in memorization. I also interject a blank screen into the slides from time to time to map out the information on the whiteboard to summarize and review a concept before moving on to the next. This allows me to shift between the slides and the whiteboard by simply escaping the Powerpoint, minimizing, and then returning where we left off to continue the lecture. I also incorporate videos in a similar manner to supplement materials.
Textbook workbooks, and labeling diagrams are helpful for visual and kinesthetic learners. We will often complete these together in class using a diagram on the projector screen to discuss details. If the textbook has electronic resources, the students must create an account and use the interactive videos and take the practice exams. When teaching a course like Dental Anatomy I also incorporate hands-on learning tools as much as possible; skulls, typodonts, etc. As a lecture supplement I also include case studies to reinforce how the information ties into the practical application of patient care.
This is a good concept as students today have various learning styles and attention spans. Depending on how often you meet and hrs. Together one can mix up the delivery methods to keep the class engaged as needed: case studies, video, PowerPoint, presentations, lecture, class discussion, etc.
Antoine Lewis
Currenty I use powerpoint and a projector. Honestly, as I evaluate my classroom, I think that I may be abusing powerpoint. I do from time to time, use lecture given by the reconized societies in my field, or a youtube video that explains the concept in laymans terms. I feel that powerpoints are what my students want, that way they can study from that material later on. I think I will do a quick survey of what the students want technology wise in their classroom and see what this yeilds.
Audio and video has become a popular way of using technology in the classroom which has increased classroom engagement. It is important to keep students engaged with relevant and up to date content while using the proper classroom technology.
Antoine Lewis
Great use of technology being used by your institution. The internet has allowed faculty to provide information (feedback, grading lessons, etc.) to students virtually.
Antoine Lewis
I use the internet and video projector daily in my classes. Being able to share video, audio and website resources during presentation is invaluable to delivering pertinent, to-date content and keeping the class fresh. I also use Powerpoint to demo software features, a great way to distill information and cut through marketing filler often found in commercial instructional materials.
In our classrooms we have an instructor’s computer connected directly to a media projector that is projected toward a magnetic dry-erase board with a pull down screen. This allows instructors to project images directly onto the dry-erase board so they and students can interact with it. If more visibility is needed, the screen can be pulled down. Each instructor’s computer also has high-output speakers each with a subwoofer. Each computer has the capability of running DVDs and is connected to the internet.
This aids learning by providing an easily accessible way to present lessons to multiple learning styles. The barriers to playing a video or audio file are low making it more likely for teachers to use consistently. Access to the internet allows teachers real-time access to the learning management system, making them more likely to use it.
Good use of technology in the classroom as the resources you provide benefit you the instructor from a feedback and grading standpoint and the students for an application/learning standpoint.
Antoine Lewis
Currently in my classroom I use the following systems or programs. For communications, grading and handing out course material I use Engrade (CMS). This has helped me save time in the classroom, by not having to make copies of handouts and homework assignments. It also helps in the collection of homework and assignment. In class I also use a computer simulation program called TestOut (LMS), this allows student to review class material and to have hands on practice fixing computer problems. By use both of these system more of my students have a better understanding of the entire course.