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PowerPoint has been known to be an effective tool that allows student to get another point of view such as visual aid. We just have to know when our audience is ready for a ppt. break and refer to audio/video, traditional lecture etc. due to the various learning styles students have today. I wish you continues success with Microbiology and using technology in the classroom

Antoine Lewis

I teach in both the online environment and ground based classes. I utilize the basic Office tools (Powerpoint, Excel, and Word) in my classes. I also find that YouTube provides some great learning opportunities. Some of the theory that we study is from contemporary authors who have presentations recorded on YouTube. Finding these and sharing them with their classmates is always a fun and interesting exercise. However, this only works when I am using a small number of groups. Otherwise, we end up watching too many videos and not spending enough time discussing. I have seen some instructors make use of POD-Casts but have not used them. I do make short videos and post them on the class web site. In these videos, I provide some technical detail or show them how to work through a particular math problem. This is always positively received by students who may be struggling with a particularly sticky homework assignment. Overall, I feel that I have a good grasp on the use of technology and would like to find more sources and explore some creative uses of common tools that would allow me to get into my student's Smartphones with something that would interest them and get them on topic more often.


When it comes to teaching onsite and online it can be a good way to introduce technololgy from online to the onsite class. Word, excel, and ppt are tools most student have been introduced to by the time they enter college. Also, I find visual and audio learning is important to today’s student. Overall you are using technology in the classroom to deliver the content better and they get learning that meets various learning styles. Good luck going forward!

Antoine Lewis

We use both software simulation and physical hardware. I teach intro to computers so I believe that it is vital for a student to “touch” the RAM, install a hard drive, and be able identify different parts of a system board from different manufactures. This can only be accomplished by having the actual piece of equipment in front of them. It also tends to take the “scary” part of computers away rather quickly. This is my observation anyway….

I believe that we also need to accept the fact that with MS Office there are also free open source alternatives that some students are using such as Open Office and Libra Office. These should be embraced as well since it is being adopted as a cost saving measure in many businesses.


It is awesome that you do not only provide the students with information but you allow them to apply what they information you provided. Simulations are becoming more common as physical hardware may often times not be available or you may not have enough for all students. Good luck with your courses going forward.

Antoine Lewis


I agree with. Many students & organizations are using these office suite because of cost and is compatible with several operating systems.

Antoine Lewis

With the use of power points I can give the students visual references to the subject matter. I have found that the less I read verbatim off the slides, the better.

I currently use PowerPoint for lecture classes. I found out early on it was extremly important to be familiar with all of the topics and order of the slides so that 1) it didn't appear that i was reading the slides verbatum and 2) Understand what to included and even more importantly what not to include to avoid overburdening the students with information.

June ,

PowerPoint is a great tool and with students being more of visual and hands on learners than ever in my opinion. It is important to summaries and/or elaborate as reading verbatim often lowers attention spans in the classroom. Good luck using classroom technology going forward.

Antoine Lewis


PowerPoint is a great tool and preparing a power point is as important as presenting it. Students often do not like when a power point is used verbatim. They rather see it as notes or a resource. Good luck using classroom technology going forward.

Antoine Lewis

My field of instruction is 3D animation/Game Design. Both my on ground and online students are always utilizing software to understand the methods I am teaching. The technology that I utilize in my lectures is the same as theirs. I do utilize powerpoint in my online lectures. This method allows me to stress the important factors of a lesson as well as remain focused on the topic of discussion. The online students have an added bonus of being able to utilize recordings of my lectures to review issues that may have occurred while they work on assignments.


Powerpoint and recorded lectures is a great option for instructors as it allows us to do present lectures with audio and visual aid. It is great that you have onsite and online students as you can use various teaching methods.

Antoine Lewis

Depending on the course I have used PowerPoint slides, laptops, email, and interactive testing. I find students can be more receptive to visual stimuli as opposed to aural. I like to combine these with a summary of the book and use of workbooks.


Students more than ever have different learning styles. With technology in the classroom one can adapt to various learning styles. Combining audio and/or visual aid with the text is beneficial to a students learning experience.

Antoine Lewis

My text has accompanying Powerpoint instruction units. They are particularly useful when I need diagrams or pictures for the topic we are studying. I do not necessarily use the entire unit--I pick and choose what is most helpful to my instructional objective.


It is great you are using PowerPoint in the classroom. It allows for visual aid and audio to be used if desired that supports the course content that you choose. Good luck with classroom technology!

Antoine Lewis

I use a projector and i really like this online presentation software that is called PREZI brought to us by the TED talks people.


It is good to see that you are incorporating technology in the classroom. PREZI is a good way to bring often simple presentations to life. Students/audience become more engaged which makes teaching rewarding. Good luck with your classes moving forward.

Antoine Lewis

We are using Power Point and some media resources with simulations.

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