As an educator, I utilize the PowerPoint the most. I can incorporate links within my PowerPoint so the students are able to visualize what we are discussing. Youtube is also a tool I use if I need to explain a demonstration.
Iin my classrooms I utilize PowerPoints mostly. This enables me to add links into my lectures and keep it interesting.
Donna ,
As an educator, PowerPoint is essential. I also embed many links in my presentations to ensure it does not become to monotonous.
Theresa Schmitt
In our learning environment our students utilize iPads so immediately they are subjected to technology; however this technology is nothing if not properly utilized to enhance the learning experience and student engagement. There’s an app for that right? Well apps aren’t good for anything other than sucking up space on iPads unless they are purposeful and utilized. Some basic apps help students with calculations, conversions, terminology, and even allow their device to talk with computers which really enhances the students experience while utilizing the technology as a tool. For Teachers, using these tools to create a dynamic learning experience is key. One of the biggest challenges teachers face is finding methods of engagement that reach each and every student. Simple methods of engagement can be enhanced by utilizing the technology so students can have visual, auditory and kinesthetic experiences all in one. Instead of calling on individual students or groups the teacher can create a poll and gauge the entire class and their responses right on the spot. This enables the teacher to have an on the fly assessment of whether or not students are fully understanding the points of the lesson and whether or not the teacher needs to expand or dig deeper within the topic.
Mobility is also important, nothing worse than a teacher stuck behind the lectern narrating PowerPoints tethered to a mouse. So as a teacher with the power of technology you can now move about the classroom or lab area wirelessly and still project PowerPoints, video clips, animations, access the web, utilize apps and interact with students on the fly.
Everything turns green. The amount of paper and toner saved, the time spent sorting through piles of papers is all drastically reduced by utilizing email, the LMS and time saving auto grading. I believe we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of changing how learning happens by utilizing technology and how exciting for the students of today and of tomorrow. It is up to us to continue to embrace and pioneer the use of technology in the classroom.
My mathematics course comes with a lab that features powerpoints, videos, and simulations. I also encourage the students to download it as an app on their phones. Through this course I would like to learn of other ways to keep them engages using technology.
I use as a place for my students to turn work in for grade, to save their work as a primary or secondary device. I share datafiles from there with my students also. I use in all of my MS Office Classes as the place for them to do assignments, take quizzes and exams that are simulations of real world exercises. I also use it for them to practice for certification exams. I use with my A+, Net+, and Security+ classes to give the students the ability to use a Simulator to practice the concepts that they learn. I also use email, and social media as a way for my students to contact me for help, discussion and notification of absences. I use as a way of teaching concepts that need another way to demonstrate a concept. I feel that technology is the Next Great thing in education.
I teach English Foundations and Composition. I use Power Point, videos, email, and computers. Much of what I do involves students at the white board and small group work. I also use the white board for demonstration.
The course packs that come from major publishers are a fantastic resource. They have really come along way this past decade! Many now include quizzes in addition to PowerPoints that can be modified and some even include interactive multimedia with audio and video files that support the curriculum.
Thank you for sharing!
Theresa Schmitt
In many classes, I incorporate Poll Everywhere into PowerPoint presentations for a number of reasons. I have used class polls to check understanding, assess teaching and learning, give and receive feedback, and to collect simple survey results. This instant polling with results engages the class and myself and provides data immediately for meaningful reflection.
The newest technology for me has been implementing Pearson's MyMathLab into the classroom. I love it! It has so many resources available that students can teach themselves, work at their own rate and truly be independent Learners.
As an educator, I have looked to incorporate up to date technology techniques into my class through a few ways. One way that I look to keep my class engaged and share with them is through online forums on the student portal. The forums are used to help them explore the history and origin of the products we will be working with in the labs. Some of them are also set up to engage them with product and recipe costing. I also like to enhance the given powerpoints with useful video links of protein fabrication and plating designs.
We have encorporated self-paced, computer programs in our classes. In addition to our traditional assignments, students complete actiivities that have been selected for them with an assessment test. The students enjoy working independently and on lessons that are selected specifically for their abilities.
We have limited technologies available at our college for students in the classroom. I teach the advanced level of clinical dental hygiene, so I have incorporated new technologies for the dental field. The students get hands-on learning with new equipment to be used chairside in a dental office.
Students are also required for my class to research some type of dental technology for a particular patient of theirs and present a powerpoint presentation on the patient and technology.