I think in a scenario like this, if the students do their part before they get to you can fill in the blanks, and clarify the information for them they might not understand. The key point is they have to step up.
Curriculum that emphasizes interaction amongst students and teachers creates an atmosphere for continued learning. I loved some of the "flipping" ideas I learned on other posts as well. This class is very informative and will help with broadening the classroom experience.
Reaching all or even most of the students is always a challenge, so having a number of paths to take will help you as the instructor to do that.
I also agree. Blended learning is a powerful strategy. It addresses more learning style requirements. Everyone does not learn the same, so by becoming more diverse with the material presented, the students performance and learning can improve.
What a great point!!! Technology can play a great role in our classes, but it is not the only role. We must use a variety of techniques to reach our students and this opens up a lot of possibilities,traditional means should be supplemented, not abandoned.
I wholeheartedly agree! I am constantly mixing things up, shifting from one exercise to another with busts of lecture in between. This helps keep the class moving and injects some energy into the lesson. I never go for more than an hour without a short break, I find that helps keep students engaged.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I wholeheartedly agree! I am constantly mixing things up, shifting from one exercise to another with busts of lecture in between. This helps keep the class moving and injects some energy into the lesson. I never go for more than an hour without a short break, I find that helps keep students engaged.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Blended-learning allows the instructor to combine assessment tools. Short written essays. Respond to Power Point and using Adobe Breeze presentations. This allows the instructor to vary key to different learners strengths.
Flipped and Blended classrooms also help students who are unable to attend classes for medical or personal issues (such as pregnancy or transportation). I have students who commute long distances but are still able to engage in activities through these methods.
When learning is spurred on by the student it is more powerful. Allowing them to create and interact in multiple ways engages them more fully. If they can see, hear, and review the information, adding comments or questions then it becomes more interactive. Adding Powerpoints and using discussion forums and having coursework uploaded to a portal all take the student out of the classroom and encourage learning outside of the classroom.
Creating video lectures and assigning these to students prior to class could save a lot of time and allow me to spend more quality time with my students (answering questions, etc.). While this would take a lot of time up front, once created, these could be used over and over again. It would be important to make sure the information isn't dated; if it is, then updates would need to be made.
As an instructor you have to be aware of all of the different learning styles your students have.Blending learning technique helps keep all of the students engaged and you will capture more students by mixing up your learning styles...
I think that blended-learning techniques not only help engage more students, but it also encourages students to have a deeper understanding of not just what they are learning, but how they are learning. What I mean by this is that students who do not typically care to listen to a lecture or traditional-based learning must participate, and students who are not familiar with technology are forced to familiarize themselves. There are some student I teach who have little to no computer experience. These are the students who flourish most from discussion groups and various other programs because they have guidance while they familiarize themselves with technology-based learning.
Well stated. We discover a whole other side to our students when incorporating discussion boards/blended learning techniques. I find those that struggle with technology the most tend to have the highest participation by the end of the term!
Theresa Schmitt
Students have relatively short attention spans when it comes to just lectures. The research says about 9-10 minutes is all they can handle before becoming bored. Blended learning is an awesome tool that can be used in classrooms. I like to do a few different things. For starters, I will show short clips of relevant material to reinforce the material. Even more than that though, I like using blended techniques to make fun games and quizzes that students can actively engage in during discussions. It helps with student retention when they get that positive feedback.
Great point, the school I teach at has such a wide age group that it is often difficult to reach all of them with traditional teaching methods. However I still see the need of traditional learning because many of my students would be overwhelmed by the introduction of multiple new technologies in the classroom.
I agree completely! We do not want to overwhelm ourselves or our students with technology. It is easy to move off task when trying to incorporate too many software apps or eLearning tools at once. Knowing our audience and their past learning experience is always key when incorporating anything high-tech in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Since one of the courses I teach is "Introduction to Computers" there are some students in my class who have little to no computer experience. These are the students who get the most from discussion groups and group projects because they have guidance while they begin to utilize technology-based learning. I find that students who do not typically care to listen to a lecture or traditional-based learning must participate, and students who are not familiar with technology are almost forced to familiarize themselves with technology.
Thank you for sharing, Jim. Group assignments are a fantastic way to approach a class such as Introduction to Computers. Having taught the class myself, I found students possessed a wide range of knowledge and skills. Creating teams and pairing more advanced learners with those who may be new to using computers in the classroom and a heavy dose of in-class sharing and discussion is a great approach!
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Blended learning is very useful. I am able to differentiate the instruction for my students. It allows me the flexibility that I need in my class to appeal to the different learning styles of my students. It also improves the quality of learning.