I agree, there is a line that should be drawn when connecting with students via social media tools. I believe LinkedIn is a safe bet and Twitter when used as a teaching tool. With so many schools restricting faculty from connecting via social media tools, it is always best to review the institutional policies concerning these matters.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I agree, a AUP on file, signed by the student, is a very good idea when incorporating social media as a teaching and learning tool.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I agree, a AUP on file, signed by the student, is a very good idea when incorporating social media as a teaching and learning tool.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Yes, I absolutely do think that we all should be connected to social media. HOWEVER, and this is a big however, regardless of what type we may venture into, discretion, professionalism and just plain common sense should be applied to each use.
Perhaps the biggest risk is when a person actually believes that he/she is controlling who sees the post. Even when we place restrictions on the usage, people who are determined to find a way to read posts WILL find a way. Hackers are so much smarter than most of us who socially and casually use this technology, yet we deceive ourselves with a false sense of security when we post things that can come back to hurt us.
But, if we can get our heads around that one fact, the possibilties are endless. We can now communicate anywhere in the world and learn anything we might have a fancy to learn. If we can develop the question...we have the access to answer.
Yes, you bring up a fantastic point here, anything we post online can come back to haunt us and basic commonsense should be used at all times. Being an educator is a tremendous responsibility, especially today with the various forms of digital communication.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
No. The school policy stands againsy social media with current students. I choose to comply with comnpany policy.
Yes, many have mentioned it is against their school policy. Does this also apply to LinkedIn at your institution?
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I think the use of social media in the classroom can be a great learning tool for students, because social media is an intricate part of their lives today. I had students set up wikis to share and collaborate on group projects last quarter, and although soem complained, because they had to do research on their topics to incorporate into their wikis, overall, I think it turned out well, and I intend to incorporate more projects this quarter.
As long as you are a member of each groups social media project, students will be more conscious about what they post.
I agree with you that using social media to fratenize with students can and will deteriorate the professional relationship between instructor and student. Howver, if you use it in such a way that it is only tied to learning, and you create specific projects for the students to do that you can monitor, then it can be a very appropriate and effective learning tool.
I believe that students that social media outlets can help bring the classroom together, you can use to to discuss a topic, or maybe even make a new topic with the discovery of one in the internet. It can also be distracting as well, so you just need to make sure everyone is using it for the right reasons.
I agree, it can be a distraction and setting limits on only utilizing this form of communications outside of class time may help. I know preventing texting and social media during class is a challenge for many of us; setting strict boundaries from day one is a necessity today.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Because of policies against fraternization, this topic is a sensitive one. It is necessary then for instructors to establish professional accounts that they only use for students.
Our college has strict policies against instructors connecting with students, however we do have an institutional Facebook page.
I think social media is great especially for Y generation students who have never been without the close connectivity it affords. I think faculty and staff has a responsibility to model professional behavior. It is a great way for students to feel supported by their teachers, and to be able to reach out for help.
Yes, as long as it is used for the apporpriate reasons and not in a fraternizing way! I think having a blog for the classroom would be great!
Yes as long as the network is not a personal one.
I have not used this type of media and I am not sure if the school I work for would forbid or encourage this. As a student in an online Master's program forum posts were used liberally for communications between students and instructors and between fellow students. These were a part of the LMS and not social networking. I think it could be helpful, but with rules against faculty fraternizing with students I think an instructor may want to avoid twitter and Facebook because the posting may take a more personal turn putting instructors in jeopardy.
Agreed, modeling professional behavior is tantamount to the success of incorporating social media into the curriculum. Establishing a professional account on Twitter or Facebook has become routine for many K-12 schools, allowing parents and students to follow a teacher and contribute to the discussion and ask questions. I understand the apprehension many have about this form of communication, but I believe this will be a standard practice in education in the near future. I know several corporate-owned career colleges now allow Twitter after an initial knee-jerk reaction to several demonstrations of very unprofessional behavior by teachers on Facebook that made the national headlines several years ago. Today, schools are easing up on their social media policies, knowing it does have tremendous value in student engagement and retention.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Personally, i use the school email account. I will always have a record of the email, always keeping it professional at all times, and making sure that students do the same.
I find it somewhat disturbing that some students have the expectation that i need to respond to their class questions, concerns or issues immediately.
I thank its good as long as it is keep professional and about the the subject matter.