I do not like the idea of sharing quizzes with other instructors because they may contain items I did not cover it class in the same manner as the other instructor. Basic learning resources would be fine such as online resources and class specific movies or videos.
I can see some value if those instructors are teaching and quizing the same information but given my current situation i don't see that occuring.
You may want to visit the Associate of College and Resource Libraries website if you are looking for inspiration. This link below will take you a page within the site where you can review college level lesson plans, worksheets, and the like.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I agree completely that quizzes should be customized in order to support the learning objectives of the course. I do see value in reviewing the wealth of material out there for inspiration, then infusing what works for you and your students. Common rubrics should be considered when aligning the curriculum within the same institution in order to ensure each student is taught to the same level no matter the teacher; creating rubrics together is, in my opinion, time very well spent.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Chris ,
I agree- how boring it would be if we did not customize our curriculum. I find these resources most useful when looking for new media to show in class, group project ideas, and just generally keeping up to date on the latest technologies that apply to courses I teach.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I'm sure it's already been stated in some form or another, but I find value in seeing other teacher's tests/quizzes because it gives me ideas and insight into other ways of asking a questions. Students read questions differently and I often see another perspective on content when I have access to other teacher's material.
I think sharing quizzes and other learning resources with other instructors is a great idea, in that you may be able to help someone else in the education field, and also, in turn, in the course of sharing, you also gain some valuable information from others that you can use. Also, your work may be honestyly critiqued by someone in your field, which allows you to improve upon your work, and encorporate ideas you may not have thought of or be aware of.
I very much agree with you, in that I learned from my 20+ years of teaching that you have to tailor your curriculum to best fit your teaching style, but also that fits your student's learning style. There is nothing wrong with getting ideas from others, but you still need to be original.
As an educator, being open to critique is so important if we are to stay fresh and current with our material. Another reason to share materials is to ensure consistency with the curriculum when several faculty members teach the same course.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I believe it is helpful to have a streamlined curriculum. As you mentioned, it is important to adjust the curriculum to meet you style. However I find that I often have to additionally adjust the curriculum or method of content delivery to meet the needs of each individual class I teach.
I think sharing learning resources allows you to gain different perspectives of teaching and learning. You will be able to more easily make changes or gain new insight in how to address the more difficult topics. That reminds me of the saying "Two heads are better than one"
I don't really value doing this. I am given objectives to teach, and it is up to me to interpret the importance of the information and how it will be taught. I customize the course to emphasize the points that I want to make within the guidelines of the objectives and assess students according to what I believe is most important for them to know. Other instructors may view this differently and their files and quizzes would not match what I am emphasizing.
You bring up a great point. Though the subject matter may be the same, same course code and course name, I find my approach is slightly different with each course section I teach because of the individual personalities of students and the group dynamic. I prefer to be prepared and have additional exercises on hand in the event a group or individual is struggling with a topic, or is some cases, desire a greater depth of knowledge on the subject. Sharing ideas with other faculty members is a great way to always be prepared with additional content, should it be needed.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I agree sharing materials is very helpful, but I also think you should only use it to help you to develop your style for your class curriculum.
I place a great deal of value on the ability to share quizzes and other learning resources with other instructors, especially those I may not know. We typically share ideas within our department, but to be able to have additional resources outside our environment is awesome. Instructors in different parts of the country can share their ideas. Thank you for sharing the many websites that are available to instructors and students to enhance the learning process.
I believe it is okay to share ideas and information that you have found with people that cover the same topics. Doing research is such a time consuming thing and it sure helps if everyone shares the work. But each instructor should take that material and modify it to their own teaching style.
You're welcome! I feel the same and have personally grown as an instructor because of the ability to openly share and discuss course curriculum with other teaching professionals.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Our curriculum and quizes are the same for every instructor that teaches that class, but the way they deliver the information varries. If we want curriculum or quizes changed those changes have to go through managment to insure consistency in the classes. Many times I have listened in on other instructors lecture and have picked up things that seem keep some students more interested in the material.
I think it just lets you measure if you are trying meet the same objectives. The quiz is really a way to check to see if you were affective at delivering the material. I think being able to share materials allows you to always evaluate your teaching, making sure you are current, relevant and still meeting objectives.