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It is beneficial for instructors to share quizzes and learning resources. Other instructors can add new ideas, offer constructive criticism, or simply edit the original material. However, I feel more comfortable sharing resources with instructors I know rather than don't know. How would I know if the strangers are using my material correctly? At least with the ones I do know, I will be able to explain why certain questions and methods are used.

Seeing other perspectives can help me bring new questions into the mix. Sharing quizzes is helpful, even if I don't know the instructor.

Sharing quizzes and materials does allow us (instructors) to maintain a level road that we could have between classes and such.

Not only does it level the road, so to speak, but it also allows us (ok, some of us) to further hone our skills by trying to incorporate newer techniques and push the learning envelope.

Sharing benefits both the students and the instructors and is a great method of getting additional feedback.


That is fantastic! I find faculty who share ideas and resources make for a strong team.

Wishing you continued success in the classroom.

Theresa Schmitt

There are only a certain number of questions that one person can write on any particular topic. Sharing quizzes with other instructors allows us the opportunity to see test writing from another person's viewpoint and provides an additional variety of questions to use for testing.

I would like to try sharing quizzes and learning resources because I think it will help me to know if my quizzes are fair. It will give me other ideas on what others are using and that may give me ideas to use in class. With other resources I am sometimes looking for something specific and cannot find it, others may be able to help me.

Sharing testing material with other instructors are useful because that may allow others to incorporate new ideas about testing strategies, viewing what other instructors do. They can provide some insight as to how well the students are retaining the information from lectures.

If it wasnt for my coworkers I wouldnt have a lot of the materiels I use. We are contantly shareing ides and brainstorming togeather. It makes my job so much more fun.

Knowing or not knowing the other instructors doesn't alter the value of the shared material. Good information is good information.

Sharing information amongst colleagues and peers is very helpful and increases resources within learning environments. It's also very helpful amongst students who utilize mock practice exams and share them with each other for pre-exam readiness.

I think that it is considered part of teamwork and is a very important of professinal development. I think it is a very good way to help each other, compare information and come to an agreement of what is best for the students.

I place a very high value on being able to share any learning or assessment materials with other instructors. This is a way of seeing a different perspective on the material you are presenting. The other instructor may be asking a question you never thought of asking, or ask a question in a way that might be better presented.

Sharing quizzes and other materials is a great way to "teach the teacher". I enjoy taking quizzes on the websites and through the ancillary materials I assign my students; I usually learn something! However, when using another instructor's materials, always preview them beforehand and check their answers :D

Sharing allows for instructors to learn from and teach peers. My perception is this can only be a benefit to all involved.

Sharing resources with other instructors will not only help increase knowlege for students, but also opens communication lines between coworkers. We constantly tell students they need to work together (with each other and whoever else they are in contact with) and it only makes sense for instructors to do the same.

I think it is extremely important to share your quizzes and test with other instructors, esp if you are teaching the same class. This will ensure the students are receiving the same test or similar test regardless of the time you take the class. It's also a good tool to discuss and share ideas.

It is a valuable tool to be able to share quizzes or teaching materials. I always share any and all materials I develop for my classes with other instructors, and they do the same with me, as we can all bring different points of vue and opinions, and each one of us has different strengths and weaknesses, so working together and sharing these materials broadens our base from which to present the best materials to our students.


You may want to approach this topic with your Department Chair or the Director of Education. Cengage and Pearson do offer online testing options that come packaged with a very robust analytics that has the ability to assess each students strength and weakness, as well as that of the entire class. You can also compare class sections and ascertain specific topics students are struggling with overall. These tools are not free, and are part of a subscription purchased by the institution.

Wishing you continued success in the classroom.

Theresa Schmitt

This gives the ability to construct a higher level of material that may not have been achieved on my own. Others ideas can be incorporated into learning materials which I might not have thought of or expressed thoroughly.

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