I belong the the American Library Association. It is very informative. I feel that I learn about new developments and technologies all the time through this organization. I also make connections with other ALA members.
Yes, I belong to ABMP. It is an organization for massage therapy professionals. There are many benefits. They offer a free instructors on the frontlines training and travel around the country offering the courses. I will be attending on on communication and engagement in October. These trainings help me stay up to date and learn new ways to engage students in the classroom that are relevant to the industry.
I am a member of several organizations that relate to my field and they offer many different continuing education opportunities. The information they provide helps keep me up to date on the current clinical practices which makes me a better instructor.
I am a member of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, for my field of Microbiology, A benefit is that I receive a quarterly journal called Emerging Infectious Diseases, hence, microbes cause infectious diseases. It benefits me because I can stay updated on the newest emerging diseases, which is part of what I teach. I also have access to great online resources through the CDC.
I belong to a professional organization and they keep me up to date with changes and trends in my industry. This assures my students that they are going to be up to date and marketable when they graduate.
I am currently a member of ASCD. This is a tremendous organization which encourages scholarship, educational leadership, professional learning communities and collaboration.
Yes, I belong to three organizations affiliated with my profession. I find it keeps me up to date on current events/articles/discussion points taking place in my field. I find that it keeps me more rounded and therefore a bigger asset to my institution and students. Belonging to these organizations also keeps my class and lectures fresh from the field. Many instances I have been approached from former students who have indicated that they were better prepared in their practice site than students from other schools due to our discussion and projects on current issues. There can only be advantages for keeping active and current in the field you teach.
Yes, I am currently a member of several organizations affiliated with my the field in which I teach. I believe keeping up-to-date with what is current and relevant in the filed is imperative. I find in the accompanying journals various articles that I share with my students that are very useful in motivating them to become successful in the course of learning the field. I also encourage them to go to the professional meetings that are associated with the organizations.
I am a current member of the American Academy of Professional Coders and I also teach in this field. The benefits of being a member keeps me updated with new technology so that I can share with my students. I am also afforded the opportunity to take the student to a field trip to their monthly meetings anytime at no cost. Attending those meetings really makes that connection between what is learned in the classroom and real world.
I am not a member of any. However, from the feedback and comments here, maybe I should be. Membership also sounds like a great way to earn flex-credit/continuing education credit.
I do belong to some professional organizations. These organizations keep me up to date on new laws and changes within my profession as well as helping me to complete the ce requirements of certification and registration.
Yes, I belong to several professional organizations and they do keep me up to date on the latest technology and trends in the industry.
I am a member of the NYS Science teachers Association. I am also a member of the American Denta Hygiene Assoc. I find that these associations are helpful in keeping me current with continuing education course and current with what is going on in my profession.
Yes, I belong to three professional organizations in my field. The benefits are: 1. I am connected with other individuals in my field and can call on them to enhance my class as a guest speaker; 2. I am updated on industry trends in my field through organizational lectures and events; 3. I am able to secure internships for my students with organizational members who are in the industry.
You provide some excellent examples of how belonging to a professional organization can benefit both you and your students. Thank you for sharing!
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I do not currently belong to a professional organization related to my field, but have wanted to initiate this for quite some time. Unfortunately, they make it quite expensive (nursing). I think it is very beneficial. It shows to others that you hold your field to a high level of importance to you personally. It is good for students to see you do this. It shows that you are dedicated to the field and keeping current with the news and changes in the field.
Yes, I belong to The American Dental Hygienist Association and this has many perks. By being a member at the national level it also includes our membership at the local level. This is highly advantageous because it provides many opportunities for local networking, we have monthly meetings that feature speakers that offer continuing education, and there are websites and resources available to members. As a group we can lobby for our profession and have been successful in the progression of the dental field. Many of these things would not be possible w/o this professional organization.
I am a member of several professional organizations, both regional and national. These allow me access to great educational materials and resources. I get periodicals in print and via email, I have access to online media, I get discounts on books and ebooks, I get discounts on professional development opportunities, etc. I have attended and presented at several conferences hosted by these organizations. This is great for networking and sharing information with professionals and experts in the field. I love the magazines that I receive they are full of great ideas applicable to my classroom.
Does your employer pay the membership fees?
I agree with use of modern technology,quiz star,ebooks.In our school we use Evolve which provides ebooks also it gives lot of virtual lessons and quizzes ,anothor benefit is that they are easily accessible on smart phones,tablets etc so no need to physically carry books and no worries about forgetting them.This age of students who learn better by interaction our college is moving forward with hand in hand with modern technology.