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I agree with many of the benefits of using AI/Chapgpt in education that were reviewed in the module. I also see it being a great help to teachers in terms of time and lesson development. It definitely needs to be used with proper guidelines for vetting what is produced and making sure it is morally and ethically sound. I also have a huge concern about student use. Their sense of ethics is still being developed, so their attitude and approach to use may not be as well developed.

I have learned that those that are encouraging AI are not just there for a free for all, they are concerned about the dangers that go along with the power of AI.

The concepts surrounding its evolution have been around much longer than many realize. The benefits are something worth considering and, rather than dissuading, encouraging and demonstrating proper use appears to be the better route. 

I learned the history, or the foundation, of AI. There is also more to AI than ChatGPT. 

We have learned a series of fundamental concepts and applications regarding artificial intelligence (AI) and, in particular, ChatGPT.

Understanding and applying AI and models like ChatGPT can positively transform various aspects of our personal and professional lives. However, it is essential to approach these advancements with responsibility and ethics, ensuring that the benefits are distributed equitably and that the associated risks and challenges are minimized.

What we have learned about artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT in this module is: Generative language models, such as GPT, that can generate coherent text from an input. ChatGPT is used to answer questions, compose emails, generate code, and more. You can automate tasks and provide scheduling assistance.

Limitations. Ethics and safety are important when applying AI.

As for how to apply it: We use ChatGPT to automate responses or generate content. As well as assistance in Programming as it helps with technical problems or debugging code. Create stories, poems, or visual art.

Hello, I have learned that GPT CHAT is a powerful tool but open to changes and regulations. Also that it can help students with limitations and disabilities. CHAT GPT is open to improvement and recognizes its weaknesses.

Aprendí de los beneficios y desventajas de la IA en los sistema educativos. 

Un curso super importante que deberían de tomar los estudiantes y educadores. Es clave para tener avances en las metodologías para educar.

He aprendido que se le puede brindar muchos usos a la IA en la enseñanza, lo que garantiza un aprendizaje más personalizado y optimo

Much of this was a review for me but learned some alternate ways to use Chatgpt. 

Ive leaned that ChatGPT potential uses are not  being discovered yet. I would like to explore more ways for deliver information  in customizable ways to my students .

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Tiene sus pro y contras, pero en general es necesario ver aplicar los beneficios que se tienen tanto para estudiantes como docentes, siempre y cuando se pueda controlar el uso.

I've learned that ChatGPT is a great tool which I am looking forward to learn and explore more so I can use it properly in the classroom with my students.

Si bien es cierto la IA promete muchos beneficios significativos para todas las áreas de trabajo incluyendo la educación, también plantea desafíos importantes que la sociedad por los que se deberá abordar con cuidado y consideración ética para maximizar los beneficios y mitigar los riesgos potenciales.

While AI promises many significant benefits to all areas of work including education, it also poses significant challenges to society that will need to be addressed with care and ethical consideration to maximize benefits and mitigate potential risks.

AI has facilitated some processes in important areas, from services to science, however, its use must be managed well and know where to stop, human beings are emotional, so human interaction and analysis will always be necessary.

I have learned the potential benefits of using AI in the classroom. I believe that when properly used the students will greatly benefit from its use.

I learned about the history of AI and chatbots.

Hola, no tenía conocimiento sobre la OpenAI, así como sus objetivos y quiénes fueron sus fundadores me parece una muy buena iniciativa para regular el desarrollo y aplicación de la inteligencia artificial.

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