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I also think that it keeps the team fresh while they mentor someone else in their same chosen field. Also gives them an opportunity to hire them at the end of the externship.


Absolutely. There's an old saying about teaching: you don't really understand something until you have to teach it. Great point!

Dr. James Willis III

They get the opportunity to see how the person performs in a work environment without having to hiring them, out right. A good intermediate step.


Very good point - employers care deeply about performance, so the internship is a good way to measure all of the aspects of a good employee.

Dr. James Willis III

Its an excellent way to evaluate a future employee during a long period of time. most working interviews that last half a day are not great forms of evaluation, they may have a good day or not perform the procedures that you can use to evaluate a future hire. externship is an excellent way to judge a future hire.

Dr. Enrique,

Excellent point! Many times employers need the extra time with prospective employees to determine skill sets, critical thinking abilities, and ability to interact with coworkers. Internships are an excellent primer to help students learn those skills, as well as provide a constructive forum for employers to get an in-depth look at a future colleague.

Dr. James Willis III

The employers will benefit having the interns since it assists them to screen for potential employees.


Absolutely; the internship process is a great way for employers to get to know future employees!

Dr. James Willis III

When a student does his or her externship at a site that is looking to hire someone then they are able to use the externship training period as a long job interview. They are able to train the student in how they want things done and this will lead to a very good hire at the end of the training.


Great point. When a student receives the specialized training you mention, then an employer really has a basis to determine whether or not the person will work out. Great point!

Dr. James Willis III

This is very true. It is a clear opportunity for the employer to meet raw fresh talent coming out of school and ready to adjust to the new potential employer. the attitude that arises is beneficial for both and employment is likely to happen after completion of intership.


Absolutely; and, like others have commented, the 'fresh talent' you mention can also be trained according to the specific needs of that office. Students benefit greatly from such experiences!

Dr. James Willis III

Employers enjoy the opportunity to prescreen potential employees. As an intern, the student is immersed in the company and has a chance to intermingle with employees. This severely cuts down on the "wrong fit for our company" that can occur from the conventional interview/hire process. It allows employers to get a deeper understanding of a potential employee that may not have an extensive resume or weak interview skills. In a way, it allows both the intern and the employer the opportunity to "test drive" their relationship. This ultimately leads to a stronger overall company environment.


You bring up multiple good points; I especially like the benefits for those who "may not have an extensive resume." For new employees, or for those entering a new line of work, an internship is a great way to build experience on a resume. Great point!

Dr. James Willis III

If most students are truely into what there going to school for they will put 1000000% effort into the internship. In turn they busniess will get everything out of that intern. Its good for both sides since the student can see what is expected and the busniess can use the time to help mold the student to be ready for the real world.


You make a good point about turning the student into an employee. We operate in a world that requires people to hit the ground running in terms of skill sets. An internship is the best to get those skills quickly!

Dr. James Willis III

I believe as an intern, the employers get a real sense of the behavior of the future employee (i.e. work habits, fitting into the culture, etc.) Many of these can not be taught.

Dr. Carlton,

You are very right. We all have different behavior patterns and work habits; it's good for employers to make sure a future employee has complimentary values. An internship is great for that!

Dr. James Willis III

there are several benefits in having students as interns.
1. unpaid help to assist in the daily operaitons of the facility.
2. potential future employees. you get to try them on before you buy them mentality.
3. shows strengths and weaknesses in your own system by introducing new blood that can offer new technology shortcuts or more effective outcomes.
4. a healthy relationship between your practice and the school is established encouraging you to offer more students opportunities that are from that educational background.
5. healthy competition between established employees and the new blood that may remove complcent activity and increase employee moral.


You make some good points here! I especially like number five - I think you're right that it creates 'healthy competition' in the office. It may be, too, that others take on the role of teaching; and, it's safe to say that you don't really understand something until you teach it!

Dr. James Willis III

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