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Hangman wheel

I think that is a great idea!

I agree this is a great idea. Not only do the students inteact and work together - teamwork, but they realize one error could "end the game" and they are learning the subject matter at the same time. Thanks for the suggestion!

Definetly a great game to keep them on there toes, and also learn at the sametime about day to day problems.

I do like the Hangman wheel also. Will incorporate this next quarter.

Thai, I'm glad this is an idea you can use.

The hangman wheel is awesome for terminology as well too. Students love trying to guess words and all you give is definition. I usethis often

Linda, thank you for sharing how you use your wheel.

Michele Deck

I will incorporate this technique to teach medical terminology applied to xrays

I think this is a great idea to teach med. term., I will try this next semester. We usually play a game similar to family feud.

I like the hangman wheel alot. Having been in a CODE situation in the past, I was amazed at how many nurses did not know the location of the equipment in a code cart. I standardized the need for daily checks and had large labels made for each drawer to simplify finding items. Wish I had thought of your wheel idea myself!

Georgia, thank you for sharing your challenge as well. Labels help, so do pictures on each drawer.

Michele Deck

I love that the example related to my field, Surgical Technology. i will definitely implement this in our lab.

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