Everyday that I have a class it's a new experience. The sad part is in Adult Education, We have students that do work day or night and are exhausted when they come in. I have learned to keep them on their toes when I start to see a lull. I will give breaks when needed but I always give surprise labs when I feel like its time for a shake-up.
Diedra, you and I both know that if the student's aren't engaged, they won't remember any of the content you are teaching at that time. I, too, have taught many people after they have worked all day, which is why I started using creative approaches, because active learners remember what happened.
I was going over the class rules and requirements as we all do on the first day of class which is real boring to students after doing this for several classes. I was loosing them fast. So, I remembered something that an instructor used in a continuing education class that I had taken. Everyone forms a circle, then everyon turns to the right, put their hands on the person's shoulders in front of them, and gives them a short massage. Then they turn to the left and give that person a massage. This is a great energizer.
As a new instructor I am learning alot in these forums. I have night-time students who come in tired from working all day. This first term was difficult for me because I didn't get to incorperate most of what I leaned due to being too busy learning the teaching material. But next term will be diffrent and hopfully fun.
Jaceita, it takes time to feel comfortable the first time you teach the material. Next time, I know you incorporate some of the ideas you've gained.
Teaching at night to adult learners I have learned to mix things up. We play learning games when we can. Some times I find students with the plastic wrap still on there text books. I get the same story every time."Im only able to study while im in your class".By mixing things up im able to cover the iformation needed in many ways and points.
Richie,you are smart to realize the unique needs of your night adult learners. If your approach matches their challenges, they will be successful, which is always our ultimate goal as teachers.
Hi, I am a new instructor as well, the head instructor introduced me to many educational resources which will be of help. One is getting michele Decks' DVD,it's full of fun and active and exploratory learning activities to engage the learner. Keep in mind the attention spand of the adult learner and retention rate.
I teach nights and weekends, and one thing that I found is the each class is different and I have learned to find out how the class wants to be taught, some like games, some do not, some like lots of work some do not. It is easier when I change with each class instead of having each class change with me.
I agree. A smart and successful teacher changes her approach to fit the students, not the other way around.