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Adult vs. Adolescence Learning and Intergration

Starting to see a great divide!

Made several attempts "mixing" groups (intro courses), but at times certain students still feel left-out, disengaged, or display a separatist/independent attitude.

I do have quite a few combat veterans intermixed within several younger generational groups, but still see very slow progress of classroom interaction from student-to-student.

What is there to do?

KEN, I would mix people in a way that looked random but was not. I would match a friendly student with an analytical one. I would conduct and activity where they shared some personal info with each other(ie. what are you most proud of in your life, have you met a famous person, or a thinking puzzle, etc). After done time getting to work with just one other person, I would join 2 groups together to make groups of 4 and give them some time working together to answer questions, perform skills, etc. Then mid course I would mix them up with people they don't know all over again in the same way.

Michele Deck

I would maybe start out with an ice breaker. Then put individuals into larger groups and then smaller groups once they get comfortable with each other.

Jamie, mixing up people takes them out of their comfort zone and teaches them to interact with a variety of people. This will help them on the job.

Michele Deck

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