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What has been the response of learners when you have used activities in the past?

This upcoming semester will be my first time teaching medical terminology and I plan no implementing the activities from the module. In the past, when I've used activities the students appreciate the fact that I take time to develop and present a different learning opportunity instead of lecture.

Monica, medical terminology lends itself to a variety of teaching approaches.

Michele Deck

Every student must complete a class project. Since I use all types of games and different learning tactics, I give my students the same opportunity. When assigning the project, I allow them to use their creativity skills. Instead of writing another paper or simply creating a power point presentation, I allow them to pretty much do whatever they want to. They have come up with some fantastic ideas, including games. The projects are due at the end of the semester, so most of them serve as a great review for the final.

Crystal, it is wonderful that your students can choose their method of content delivery. This is a win win!

Michele Deck

This will be my first time teaching medical terminology; however, I like incorporating activities into my courses. Some key points that I will be conscious of in the future will be 1.making sure I explain the specific purpose of the activity before we begin 2. participate with the kids to model positive behavior 3. be mindful of time. In the past, if the game was going well I was more likely to let it keep going. This sometimes caused it to not end with the highest level of excitement.

Stacie, it is possible to get distracted from the purpose of the activity when it is going well. I like to limit time frames.

Michele Deck

I use relay races to discuss distribution in class. The students walk into the classroom surprised but they walk out excited. They are very competitive. I teach business classes that involve a lot of terminology. I think my students will have a lot of fun while reviewing for exams using the techniques mentioned in this section. Thanks!

Catherine, I'd like to be a student in your classes. Thanks for sharing your successful teaching strategy.

Michele Deck

I used a modified memory game once as a review. I made about 50 "cards" and put a bony landmark (greater trochanter) and they had to match it up with the bone (femur). We used 6 tables put together and broke the class up into 3 teams. by the end of class my students told me that 1- they enjoyed it a lot and 2 - the people who were struggling actually got improved gradee! And NO ONE was asleep.

Heidi, thank you for sharing your success story.

Michele Deck

Most students tend to like most activities. It breaks things up. Students do not like activities where they are put on the spot and risk embarrassment. I avoid those. I want learning to be fun and enjoyable and should not be negative in any way.

Ryan, creating a safe environment is key to learning. Putting people on the spot is something I avoid as well.

Michele Deck

My students have always been very receptive to participating in learning activities. It breaks up the monotony of lecture, helps them retain the information better, and makes the learning environment active instead of passive.

Tina, so many instructors do not plan for participation in "lecture" classes. We know that is not the only method to use in any class. Variety is the key.

Michele Deck

In the past we have used teams to review for tests. The students love being able to work in groups to review. That way everyone participates in the activity. One person out of both teams is nominated as the speaker, but the group can discuss each question.

Wendy, I love that you are using teams with a designated spokesperson. That way, there is equal discussion despite shy learners in a team format, but best points stressed by spokesperson.

Michele Deck

I use relay races to engage my class in groups. It fosters a great active learning environment plus it helps students who struggle with med. term. My students help each other to figure out their mistakes by explaining what their incorrect answer actually meant and they give examples of what they do to remember the term. It is a great way to incorporate peer learning.

John, thank you for sharing you successful relay races in your med term course. Getting the students moving and thinking is essential to learning a profession.

Michele Deck

I have found that many of my students are very competitive which helps them to be more engaged. They talk about the activity for weeks after and they do tend to remember more of the content this way.

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