Terminology seems to be a very weak point for students in all programs. Especially since most communitcation is done thru texting
Soooo true! I am 'old' school and believe that terminology, spelling, grammar and legible cursive is still important. I get 'why' these skills are lacking today due to texting, etc. However, I wonder if instructors have not sold their students a little short. Why does it have to be 'one' way or 'the other'? Students today are bright and quick enough to figure out all sorts of technology. I believe they are smart enough to also learn to spell in spite of 'spell check' and hashtags. If one doesn't know how to spell how can one possibly learn long Medical or any other kind of Terminology? Why have we accepted this?
I am not usuallly a 'conspiracy' finder, but does anyone else smell a rat? Since when is it ok in the world of U.S. Education to produce generations of people who can't spell or write cursive? Is this part of another country's hopes of undermining America?
Ultimately, I believe that educators have dropped the ball on this subject, not the students. It's is like we just caved-in to popular technology. Students can rise and fall according to our expectations of them. Why don't we expect them to be learned in both? I believe they are up to challenge!