How can you integrate technology with these activities?
Yes, Karen, you can integrate technology in these activities. I invite people to post answers online in bulletin board format and I make answers available on line for individual activities.
I have found that assigning computer time to my medical terminology students has been very helpful. Our textbook comes with an interactive website that is filled with education games, study tools, videos, and even help with flash cards and pronounciation. Once a week I have my students work on this website and I encourage them to get on that website as often as possible either at home, a public library, or anywhere they would have access to the internet. So far my students have had a very positive reaction to these activities and they feel the interactive games have helped with their retention. I definitely plan to continue using the online tools in the upcoming terms and I hope it helps those students as well as it is helping the ones I'm teaching now!
We also utilize the interactive games that the text books offer. There is also simulation for other courses that can really encourage the learner to know the material and be able to use the information properly. I believe that if we use all the technology given to us, we can keep more students interested in what we are teaching.
Using high and low tech activities allows the students a variety opportunities to learn, Chuck. It also accommodates those leathers who like technology.
I can't agree with that more. When I first found out I was teaching Medical Terminology I was very worried because it seemed like it would be a very dry class with little opportunity for interactive fun. I was so very wrong! The text book comes with alot of ways to make teaching this subject just as fun as learning it. I'm very thankful for the resources and hints that were given to me with the book because without them I was really worried my students would be sleeping through this class!
I use a website that allows me to create random poll questions where students use their cell phones to answer the question and then discus it. The first time using it, it can be a little slow but once everyone understands how to use it, it actually works in live time for answers to show up in the poll. Great ice breaker :)
Kimberly, I have heard this is possible. What website is it you use?
Hope it helps! Students have a lot of fun with it.
Great discussion starter.
What is the name of the site?
The book has lots of fun ideas and interactive discs the students can use. I will also take field trips with them to several hospitals and ask each hospital to let the students access the staff blogs, facebooks etc so they can ask questions etc.
Great way to get the learners involved electronically with staff at a hospital without taking a big risk asking questions of a stranger face to face. Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting. I tell students not to use their cell phones in class. This will really surprise them and get their attention.
I also enjoy using the interactive games. Even if the students look at them before class, it is still a good use of repetition.
Some students use their cell phones even though it is against school rules. If your school permits, you might think of ways to incorporate the phone use into looking things up or as a learning tool.
I really like this idea since often I can tell students are no longer listening when they are looking at their cell phones, perfect time to utilize this website
I have used it and it is great!