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I have students all watch ER or House and write down as many words as they pick up, then we all go over lists the next day in class.

We have an instructor here that does the same thing. I think that is a great idea, but what do you do with the students who don't have cable or are not big television watcher?

I think it is a fabulous idea, but not sure how to implement that in the class, other than record an episode of the tv show.

I like this idea. I have had students tell me that they watched House and that they understood more after terminology class.

I can honestly believe that. I never really paid attention to that until I started working in the Healthcare field. You hear alot of medical terminology on many different television show. What a great exercise for them to learn even more.

Angelia, I'm so glad other teachers are sharing their best ideas, and I'm glad this is one you plan to use.

I emailed all of my fellow instructors and was able to come up with some episodes of House that I can share with my students. Can't wait.
The power of email.

Yes, email has changed the world of teaching. Enjoy the House episodes!

That gives me (and my fellow coworkers)some validation... [we use Grey's Anatomy episodes):)

My wife seems to think I would be House if I were a doctor (minus the addiction to pain killers or leg handicap)... Too honest sometimes when giving advice which doesn't always go over well.

Teaching has helped me to temper the honesty, strangely enough, so that students can actually assimilate criticism without feeling demotivated or scared away.

(I've learned to keep House at home.)

There are also lots of websites that show tv episodes that one can download by the episode.

Whether a pay site or episodes that have slipped onto free places like YouTube or Google Video...

I believe even copyright issues (copying the show for class) fall under "Fair Use", especially for teaching purposes, but I'll have to double check that.

I believe in using what you do with Grey's anatomy.

Thanks for your honesty about yourself. I'd like to be a learner in your classes. Keep up the good work!

That is a GREAT idea!!

Marilyn, your idea comes very handy. I will consider using this with my new class. I know that i personally am a visual learner and have learned that many students learn more when they visualize things instead of reading.

That is a great idea, have student access medical shows online and make lists of medical terms in order to learn them. Even though I teach mostly adults, this is a concept that may make it fun for them as well. Thank you for the suggestions.

Margaret, I appreciate the ideas other teachers share here. Enjoy!

I've done this for my Med Term class and it really works. The students start to have a better understanding of the terminology words and the usage.

Watching medical shows has taught me alot about the medical terminology we are exposed to in class. Learning it from a book is great, but with hands on in a real life situation, the terms seem to make sense.

Any tie we can make between the real work an our teaching is a good investment.

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