Technology in the Online Classroom
The school in which I teach for uses a mixture of technology to help ensure students have a well rounded teaching environment. I do find that sometimes students who have not been in the online setting before can be overwhelmed by the technology. Does anyone have suggestions on how to overcome this?
One way to help students is to have a technology orientation. This can really set students to the right path. The orientation must be current with the current technology.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Technology ushers in fundamental structural changes that can be integral to achieving significant improvements in productivity. Used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools, such as computers and hand held devices; expands course offerings, experiences, and learning materials; supports learning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; builds 21st century skills; increases student engagement and motivation; and accelerates learning. Technology also has the power to transform teaching by ushering in a new model of connected teaching. This model links teachers to their students and to professional content, resources, and systems to help them improve their own instruction and personalize learning.
It does all of that; but good teaching still translates into good teaching based on Chickering and Gamson. That is the great thing about good teaching; it stands the test of time and delivery.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I think that we as instructors must be involved with students and help them incorporate technology. For some; it may be overwhelming as you stated; but I think that schools must have some type of course to help decrease anxiety; especially for those students whom are returning to college after being away for awhile.
I agree. I know many institution have orientations and tutorials that help online students to become acclimated to the technology. We have to be careful to not to give student who are not comfortable with the technology a "pass" to avoid it. I have been asked to conduct an online course all on the phone because a student didn't have time to learn the LMS. That is problematic.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Dr. Kelly,
I love the idea of a technology orientation. It would be essential for the student to use his/her new found knowledge close to leaner and often to get him/her comfortable with the technology.
It does work. You can also create technology modules to help students make sure there are no gaps in learning. It is a great way create individual learning plans without extra work.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson