What a great post! We, as instructors do feel the responsibility of making students aware of the resources to help them in their learning process. Also, once a student has success with information you provide them, they will have confidence you can provide them with correct information.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
When establishing a pattern of teaching, what do you believe are the two most important things to consider?
I feel like I wear many more pairs of shoes than that! I know the list includes social director, tech support, evaluator, but there is also mediator, motivator, and more.
We have to be there for our students. This means we are their point of contact. When they are stuck on something, we have to help. We have to keep them engaged by making the class interesting and exciting. We need to tell them something they don't already know.
This can seem like an endless job, but it is rewarding. When I see my students off with good grades onto their next courses, I am excited - and I have high hopes for them.
You are exactly right! We are the one point for most of your students. You have high hopes and you set high expectations, as you should!!!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
The four 'pairs of shoes' are all vital pieces of the online environment. Without being a guide and a resource the learner would not be able to effectively navigate through the course and meet learning objectives. Poor communication would present an environment lacking respect, trust, and learning. A course without the program manager would be a disorganized course and students in a course with no purpose. Lastly if the instructor is not proficient in technology he/she should not be an online instructor.
Great post. You don't have to know everything but you do have to be competent in technology.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
This question is simple: wearing several pairs of shoes allows for more flexibility between instructor and student in the learning environment. Playing the role of coach and leader is paramount when attempt to reach out to disengaged students.
You are right. I think coaching may be related to another shoe I need to add, as counselor.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
It is important for an online facilitator to wear four "pairs of shoes" because unlike the F2F environment, online takes a bit more work and effort. In an online environment, especially an asynchronous one, the instructor plays may roles and two of the most important are the communicator and the initiator.
The online facilitator must not only play the role of instructor, but it takes effort to encourage students to be engaged and interact with one another (social director). Unlike in a classroom, where discussions tend to flow, the online environment requires the instructor to initiate conversation, to ask thought provoking questions, to connect students.
They must also be able to assist with technical difficulties, at least on a high level, be able to give meaningful, timely feedback so students can grow, be a captain and steer the course, among many other roles.
Initiator is a great term to add as a pair of shoes. We do have to use a variety of communications to engage students and to make those connections to students.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
As a facilitator there are many aspects of the course that we must be tuned into. We must focus on the student's learning, their progress, the course content, and the technology. We have administrative functions as well as instructor roles. Each of these areas has an overall effect on student learning and we must strive for an effective learning environment.
You make such a great point. Our efforts should focus on student success. Some of our efforts are more blatant than others.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
The online instructor needs to have many roles because communication is so varied in the online environment and the instructor acts as facilitator, mentor, developer, assessor.
It's important for an online facilitator to wear four "pairs of shoes" because online learning has such a distance gap with students that even face-to-face learning doesn't have, so teachers need to bridge this gap by covering more bases, so to speak. It's important for them to anticipate student responses and engage actively and provide timely feedback to avoid student confusion and unneeded stress on the students.
True, maybe not an expert in all areas but a person who knows how to find help the student or themselves.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You make an important point. We are the people who bridge the gap between the institution and the student. This role is not as important for a f2f instructor.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
We serve all 4 roles to prevent us from becoming "one dimensional" ... we must be more "situational" and aware of our own strengths in each of the four. When a student lacks knowledge, we instruct. When a student is minimally responsive, the "social director" must draw out that student's active contribution. We must manage the program such that each student can express their learning and/or need of learning. The technical assistant in us helps the student who is "stuck" as to guidelines/expectations and even how to access some features of the online classroom.
In the majority of situations, the instructor is the only participant who is truly comfortable and confident in all aspects of the course. To maintain student engagement and facilitate learning, you must help each student achieve the highest levels of comfort and confidence he or she can.
I really like your use of term situational. This is such a great post and is really the truth. I think this would improve student success in any teaching environment.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
That is true, particularly when students are not comfortable with online environment. That is where we may become a coach or a guide in the learning along with the content expert.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
In an online class, especially in an asynchronous mode of delivery, instructors are ‘faceless’ and gapping this transactional distance plays an important role in student learning. Guiding students through the LMS and assisting them with understanding how to use this technology (tech assistance). Communication, specifically written communication is imperative so student knows course expectations (social director). Instructors also have to guide students through the course content to so they can meet the learning objectives for the course (program director). The role of the online instructor incorporates the other three roles so that students take the lead in learning course materials.