I would say that It may be more of the design than the content. If both courses are the same just different in delivery they must have the same outcomes. This can be tricky.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Content created for a brick and mortar face to face course is meant to stimulate immediate interaction in the classroom. However, I would not make a blanket statement that all of the content is not appropriate for an online course. I teach traditional, hybrid and online courses. I have found that some of the traditional course content is very useful in online courses. Questions that are meant for deeper thought or research work very well in the online environment since it is a self paced environment. I would advocate that the "you tell me what I told you" approach is not adequate or needed in the online environment. However, the thought oriented content is very good in the online environment.
Thank you for your fabulous answer! You speak the truth. To be honest when I tweak my online courses it seems to always improve my f2f courses. I find I may want my f2f students to think about the discussion beyond my f2f classroom. There is where I use my online tools. It works!!!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Many times in a face to face class you have real time interaction and if your students do not understand the concept you can immediately tell by facial expression. This is not the case in the online environment so you need tools that allow for easy navigation and so you can know as the instructor if students are not understanding.
To me, you just can't capture the moment within an online course. So much more is usually shared F2F and is more spontaneous in the discussions shared between students.
In many cases the course content may be the same but the delivery method if different. At the end of the day the subject matter for both F2F and Online should ultimately be comparable. The delivery is what is different.
I don't agree with you completely. I have a graduate course that has the most robust discussion that very much. Many of our students engage in this format regularly. We can't let our own boundaries limit the environment.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
True, you need to develop your own rules for student to use so you know the need more explanation. You can do that by using discussions, blogs, or texting. You will find ways to help your students that will make sense to them. . . and you.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
True, you need to develop your own rules for student to use so you know the need more explanation. You can do that by using discussions, blogs, or texting. You will find ways to help your students that will make sense to them. . . and you.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You are right. It really is important to think about it when you are changing curriculum.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
So many components to this answer. F2F courses have the luxury of non-verbal communication, spontaneous shifts in curriculum, and the teacher may be the Multi-media event with personal examples, humor, etc... The presentation itself is directed to people in the room at the same time, looking, listening and exploring the same content at the same time. With online courses you are limited in these respects. As noted in this course, you must "transform" not "transfer" the F2F content. This requires tremendous planning and therefore all F2F content may not "transform" well into an online environment.
Because the student is not there to hear stories, examples, or see pictures of things that can help in the learning environment.
It does require planning but it doesn't mean it can't be done. I have found when I change my f2f to online, I improve my f2f class also. I think we give too much credence to f2f. I have had some f2f courses that were not very good both as me the student and me the instructor!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Why can't you provide that in the online environment?
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You want to make sure the layout of your online course matches your instructional style. This will make it easier to be the facilitator guiding students through the content. It is important to evaluate course content and then look at the delivery method you want to use online to deliver that content.
What a great point! It does really help if everything complements teaching. Also, I find placing information in two different places can be very helpful.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I know the module suggests that F2F content must be modified in order to be appropriate for an online course, but I disagree. I think that F2F content can be appropriate for online courses, depending on the content. I think in effective classroom settings, instructors serve as facilitators and students are self motivated, self starters. In F2F settings, students can be given a project that specifically outlines objectives and expectations, with examples, and have a due date, and complete the assignment successfully with little to no teacher guidence, as a student would be expected to do in an on-line setting. Currently, in F2F classes, most of the reference material is on-line, and students are expected to incorporate technology in most assignments. I was a traditional teacher before an online teacher and everything surrounding, guidelines, expectations, content, and student engagement emphasized in this module are considered best practices for a classroom.
I agree with you. You modify delivery rather than content. You actually NOT be able to modify content if there is set course content. It really is delivery. I which instructors would spend as much time planning a f2f course as they do an online course. How great would those be too!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Why can't it be?
The online class can have a virtual classroom where screen sharing can be used. Here demos or PowerPoints can be used.
Syllabus can be email out or accessed as a PDF. Assignments can be - well - assigned. The really difference that I can see is that it's not in a traditional class room.
Instead of having a daily conversation it can be a weekly thread.
I agree with you. IT IS THE DELIVERY!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson