Technologies for 21st Century Learninng
I attempt to find tools for 21st century learning. Here is a resource Using e-Learning To Facilitate 21st Century Learning = What are your thoughts about this?
Mobile technology such as note-pads and smart phones are becoming a key component for online courses; students can participate in asynchronous and synchronous course activities. These mobile devices provide greater flexibility to learn “anywhere—anytimeâ€. The key issue for facilitators is managing time. Rolando
You make a great point! I agree it really puts the anytime, anywhere learning.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Thanks for sharing. I personally loved this website. I am going to keep this to study. I do think that students today think and act differently based on brain function. Research does bear this out.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Yes, time management and engaging the students are key factors.
Dr. Wilkinson and Fellow Colleagues:
Wow! That's really a great weblink on the 21st Century learning environment. Interestingly, there was information on the Learning Activities Management System (LAMS). There are some colleges and universities that are using this new technology.
Social media tools such as facebook and even twitter are transforming the delivery of online courses.
Mobile apps surely will have an impact the delivery methods as a means to encourage student engagement.
Facilitators should take note and embrace the technological advancements available today to meet the students needs.
Donna Thompson
Great post! I agree we have to think about using the other technology. I know our screen capture system has a phone app. I have a recording that shows students how to set that up on their phones.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I always thought that technology was suppose to support teaching and learning but often, it can hinder the process and experience. I find that when the proper technology is not selected and/or implementing correctly it is more problematic and causes unnecessary disruptions in the classroom.
You make a great point. You don't want the barrier to be technology to keep learning stifled.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
This is a great website! I am glad you shared. Technology seems to be growing exponentially, which will keep helping the e-learning process. I'm interested to see what e-learning environments will be like in five years! In ten years!
I just hope I can learn it! I am right now looking at phones and the one I may buy is a phone/tablet. Oh the decisions . . .
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson