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Program advisory committee

Twice a year I hold program advisory committees with peers in the medical field. They review the books currently being used, course syllabi, preview teaching techniques, power point etc. This feedback is reviewed by our curriculum chairperson and modifications are made as needed.


Advisory boards are essential components to the curriculum process. Thanks for adding to the conversation.


Our biggest purveyors of information are our PAC committee participants. We are currently asking our clinical sites to list things they feel are important for both the clinical skill development, but more importantly, the professional skill development of students. Once we take or have these suggestions, it is a matter of looking to see how they fit within the curriculum, or making the proper adjustments to make them fit where necessary.


Professional development is essential. Thanks for your input on this forum.

We also use an advisory board of professionals to asses the content, resources, and method of delivery for every course we offer. I find this to be immensely helpful as in the graphic design industry, technology and design trends change constantly, having other design professionals evaluate the courses keep them relevant.

We have also started asking the advisory board members to evaluate the final student portfolios as they complete the program. This additional point of view helps the advisory board members to evaluate the outcomes and employability of the graduates, which in turn helps to shape the intricacies of the projects and objectives of what the students learn.


Thanks for your input. Advisory boards help keep the curriculum current and provide a basis for instructors to share information from the advisory board with the students to connect the real world to the course content. Thanks!

Thanks for the idea of using the Advisory Board to review student portfolios - I love it, but have a question - do you pay the board for their time? Mine is gratis, and I just can't see our group agreeing to review the students' portfolios on their own time. Any specifics welcomed!!


Any time I have involved an advisory board, there was "food" involved. ;-) You know we work for food! Ha! I haven't paid them, but provide snacks or took them out for a meal and wrote thank you notes. Showing true appreciation is the key.

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