I think it is important that each of my courses shows my personality as an instructor. I want my students to feel as if there are no barriers to their learning. It can be so difficult to create that personal connection when teaching an online course. Thankfully we now have so many tools which allow us to do so.
Frequent and proactive communication is the best. Your are right in that reaching out to students is so important. Thanks.
I think if you have a phone number and e-mail address for your students, a message reaching out to them is always a great touch.
I do this but instead of using YouTube, I just use Jing. It keeps me to 5 minutes or less and it is directed specifically to the student's question.
I have been considering adding youtube videos of me responding to students as discussion board replies. Has anyone tried this out? I though it would add a nice personal touch.
I like the humor aspect as well. We have to keep our sense of humor to survive some days. Ha!
Absolutely. Obviously when I'm running a conference session online with audio and/or video it's pretty easy for my students to connect with my style and personality. However, it's a little more difficult when creating content that complies with my institutions standards to show that personality. But adding a bit of humor and levity into the online content I think breaks down the robotic nature of online courses.
Good point. It's so wonderful when we can show students we have a personality and are a "real person." Thanks!