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I've noticed that with online environments, the syllabus needs to be even more detailed than in a traditional classroom. The idea is that it is difficult to have a real-time discussion (when ALL students are present) to address questions and concerns. The more time and detail that goes into an online syllabus, the less confusion there will be on the part of the students.


You are correct. My online course syllabi are much longer and more details are included. This is the place where all of the communication begins. I have begun to record a quick Jing video where I go over the syllabus so that students can watch/listen. . .just in case they don't read it all. I point out specific important points.

Thanks again for your input.

good point, I noticed that if don't be detailed and set specific dates to be done I would not have a lot a participants either!


Right on. Deadlines must be set to prevent student procrastination.

Dr. Crews,
I often find my syllubus to be flooded with information. They often at times flood the student with information and often at time seem overwhelming! It is a requirement of the institution I work for. Thank you


Yes, the syllabus can become very long. What some people do is record a voice over syllabus with something like Jing, Camtasia or Adobe Presenter so that students can listen to key points about the syllabus. Also, some people give a quiz on the syllabus to ensure the students read the syllabus. Just a few "tricks of the trade." Thanks!

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